Walkin' After Midnight

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The video is there just for the mood😂 you don't have to play it if you don't want to. Enjoy! 


"Good plan, Thomas. 'Just hear what the man has to say.' Really working out for us." Minho grumbled. Glaring at Thomas from his position being upside down. 

To just lightly introduce the situation...we are hanging upside down. Tied by our ankles with ropes. With a nice view of a freefall under us. Me having the fear of heights you can say I am more than slightly freaked out. I would have fainted if I weren't too scared that I would fall. 

"Shut up, Minho," Thomas growled back. This is all his fault to be honest...no it isn't but I am hanging upside down and everyone is to blame because I am literally shaking in fear. 

"Sunny, you have to calm down." Newt next to me said, trying to get me to stop hyperventilating.

"I can't calm down! I am hanging head down with miles of freefall under me!" I screamed and made a slight movement which only caused the rope to start moving with me. Another shriek escaped me this one causing me to start coughing.

"Just stop," Winter called from somewhere behind me. 

"Maybe I can reach the rope," Thomas said he sounded desperate to get us out. But I doubt he will be able to untie himself like this. After he stopped trying he just fell back into a hopeless position like the rest of us. 

"Enjoying the view?" I tilted my head to the side slightly to see Jorge walk over. 

"Would much more enjoy it if my feet were on the ground." I snapped, trying to prevent myself from looking down.  

"Oh, is that so little lady?" The teasing tone was too evident but I am so stressed that I need to talk, so let's talk man, maybe I can talk so much it will make you untie us. 

"I feel the need to mention that I have an itty bitty fear of heights here, so I would appreciate it if you would let us go." Jorge just laughed at my attempt. "I also have don't appreciate spiders all that much, injections give me chills..." 

"Storms," Winter said matter of factly from the back of the group. 

"Oh, yeah storms, thanks. Also, Grievers used to give me a fright and I am not exactly friends with cranks. But we can be friends, um....hermano? You can let us go and everything will be dandy, whacha say?" Jorge looked at me for a while and then at the rest of the group. 

"Does she always talk that much?" He asked pointing his cane at me. 

"Just tell us what the hell do you want?" Miho growled from the center. It is clear that he doesn't like Jorge all that much. 

"That is the question. My men want to sell you back to WICKED." The man started, standing in front of Thomas. "Life has taught them to think small. I'm not like that. Something tells me that you're not either."  

"Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?" Now the similarity between Minho and Winter is coming to the light. Jorge seemed to be surprised a bit by their simultaneous talk but he recovered from it quickly, sneering at Minho mainly. 

"Tell me what you know about the Right Arm."  Jorge was pointing his cane mainly at Thomas. He was the carrier of all the information for him. 

"I thought you said they were ghosts." Newt's voice said from next to me, causing Jorge to look in our direction with a smirk. 

"I happen to believe in ghosts. Especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves." He then walked in front of me where this mechanism of some sort was and he placed his hand on the handle, sending me a slight wink. "You tell me what you know, and maybe we can make a deal."  

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