The Right Arm

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The whole car ride, I have been talking with Sonya. We are already becoming great friends. She told me all about how they got rescued by the Right Arm some weeks ago and how they were brought here. We were talking about our past or at least the past that we remember so the talk was mainly centered on life in the maze. And it actually wasn't all that different. 

Turns out they had the same things as we did. They also had Runners, Builders, and stuff like that but their jobs had different names. Also, I figured that our term for shank is a stick in their slang. Shucking weird innit? 

I still couldn't get rid of the feeling that I know Sonya from somewhere. Every time she looked at me. That look, those eyes they felt so familiar, and yet I couldn't quite tell how. My eyes moved towards Brenda who was next to me. She looked quite pale and her hands were shaky. I know it is because of the bite on her ankle. It reminds me so much of how Winston looked before he collapsed.  

I put my hand over her shaky one. It was all cold and sweaty. She looked at me with that slightly startled look. Her huge brown eyes were bloodshot and they looked tired. I gave her a small smile to assure her that everything will be okay. 

"It will be fine," I told her quietly, not to attract the attention of the others. God knows what they would've done if they found out. 

"They are going to kill me if they see the bite." Brenda hissed quietly as if a painful cramp tensed her muscles. But relaxed not even two seconds later. God, this virus is savage.

"I will not let anyone kill you, okay? Thomas and I promised you that you will be fine, they will help you. Okay? Don't worry about it." I am not sure of the veracity of my words either. I can't tell if they will actually have a cure for Brenda. But I am sure about one thing. I am not letting them kill her, as long as I'm alive.

The car came to a stop and Sonya told us with a smile on her face that we can get out. One by one we jumped out of the car to join the group that went with the other vehicle. In front of us, a simple camp was spread. It really was nothing extra. Just a few tents, lots of dust indeed, and even more people. But it didn't really look like the army that we were promised or expecting to see. Still, it looked a lot safer and comfortable than the nights we spent in the Scorch. 

"They've been planning this for over a year now," Harriet said as she started leading us down the dusty path and closer towards the tents. "This is all for us." 

"Sure looks impressive," Winter commented somewhere from the back. She was standing next to Minho, just looking around in awe. 

"You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light." Sonya informed us, walking by my side. We passed by a group of men that were carrying weapons with them.  "Where's Vince?"  

"Somewhere over there, I think." The man dismissed us, pointing in the direction of one of the bigger tents.  

"Who's Vince?" Thomas asked curiously. All of us are quite cautious about any new name that pops out because you can never be sure about the character of people.  

"He's the one who decides if you get to stay," Harriet explained leading us closer to the main tent. There were clothes hanging outside of it. I breathed in some dust and started coughing violently, startling Sonya next to me. 

"Hey, are you okay?" My eyes started to water while I was practically suffocating on the dust I breathed. 

"Yeah...I...just have a problem with breathing in this dusty environment," I explained in between coughs. Luckily they were dying out already, allowing me to breathe properly. 

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