Lightning, cranks, girl, and weird hermano

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Walking the next day appeared to be eternal. The burning sand under our legs was hurting my feet with every single step forward that I took. Sun didn't have any mercy on us as it was baking ruthlessly down on every exposed skin it could find. The sunburns became a regular thing for us by now. You couldn't make a move without the heat of the fire-ball burning down your back, slowing down your pace with incredible heath. 

This also became the day when we lost all our water supplies. Which made our throats burn not only because of the dusty environment but because of the dryness spreading through it. The walking seemed to be years long. Every minute kept dragging slowly. 

Somewhere in the middle of our way, I got into a coughing fit alarming almost everyone. My lungs breathed in too much sand, I guess. My face grew red and because we had no water I might have started choking. But that was just for a little while, no big deal. 

After I recovered from that, Newt forced me to have the bandana over my nose and mouth. To prevent any future coughing fits and choking. Basically all the funny stuff, you feel me. Hm...I guess this is why Winter calls me weird sometimes. Eh, she still loves me. 

When the night came, the torturing heath was replaced by an instant coldness that made your bones shake. And because we haven't found any shelter we just collapsed on the ground somewhere in the middle of the scorch. 

Newt being the absolute best boyfriend that he is let me sleep on his chest so my head wouldn't have to be down on the sand. I don't know why I do have such a bad reaction to this environment. Everyone else seems only slightly bothered by the sand getting to them. While I am having absolute choking fits here from time to time. 

I was in deep sleep. Finally letting my aching muscles relax. The poor medical condition I was experiencing at the moment shut my body out completely, switching my body off like a light the moment my head was placed on Newt's chest. So when someone suddenly slapped my leg I got startled. What startled, I almost got a heart attack. I jerked up waking Newt in the process as well. 

"Get up, Summer," Thomas yelled in a raspy voice. "Newt, get up." 

"I am up thanks to you mate," Newt grumbled lifting himself up slightly. 

"Come on, let's go. Frypan, Aris." Thomas moved on to wake everyone else up. "Winter..." 

"Ugh, Thomas!" Winter's tired voice called angrily. 

"Here, let's fix this," Newt said reaching his hand to my face, fixing the bandana that slipped all the way down to my chin overnight. He lifted it up to cover my mouth and nose properly. I smiled at him even if he couldn't really see it. He gave me a small kiss on the forehead and we both stood up. 

"I see something."  

"What is it? What..." 

"You see that? It's lights," Thomas said between breaths. I am not sure whether he is just out of breath or excited about the light coming from some building in the distance.  

"We made it," Newt mumbled, disbelief painting his voice. I guess he is now a tad bit sorry for being doubtful before. But I can't say I blame him. I wasn't all there for this plan either. A loud cracking sound filled the air causing all of us to turn around. The sky was filled with dark heavy clouds. But unlike those few rain clouds that we saw in the Glade, these seemed to be full of bolts of lightning. Another lightning struck causing me to jump in fright and sequel slightly. Great, just what we needed.  

"Let's go. We gotta go." Thomas said pushing me a bit forward, telling me to start running. When this storm catches up to us we are fried! 

We started running in the direction of the lights. Let's just hope that those people will be able to help us or at least that they will let us hide till this weird weather calms down. A flash of lightning strikes behind our group causing me to yell slightly. 

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