The betrayer

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After the shock of finding out that we actually do have some family left I was completely stunned. Listening to Mary...our aunt, talking about what actually happened. How we got to WICKED. WE were forcefully taken from our parents. Our older brother and little sister were left behind. She was just a baby back then. 

Mum and dad...they were infected. And maybe I got used to the fact that my parents might be dead. But hearing that it was true and that they were sent away, left to turn into cranks...that hurt. WICKED took me and Summer away from them. Thinking both of us are immune. They left our brother and sister with them. 

Mary said that after that day, mum and dad disappeared. There was no hint of where they could've gone. They just were gone for good, along with our sister and brother. But that little part of me thinks that I actually do know what happened. The picture of the little girl we found before the first crank attack. 

She looked so similar to us. It must have been her. She must have been related to us in some way. That would mean that our parents...might have been actually trying to attack us. All these thoughts were way too hard for me to think of. 

I was almost killed by my own family. We even shot or hit some of them. What if I broke the skull of my brother? Or my dad? All this is too painful to think about. 

But on a more positive note. At least we have Mary. And apparently, Vince since he and Mary are in some sort of relationship. But I count it just as Mary because that bearded weirdo tried to shoot my sister. And that is not okay. 

"Hey, you alright there?" Minho's voice broke my train of thoughts and I looked up to glance at him. 

"I am fine," I said forcing on a tight-lipped smile. Guess I am not deceiving anyone because Minho gave me a look with raised eyebrows. Obviously telling me to spill whatever was bothering me. "It's nothing really. Just thinking about everything." 

"That is quite a dangerous thing to do." Summer said, jumping over the rocks to join us. She's been changing into some warmer clothes until now. And I can't even express how happy I am to finally see her with a proper jacket. One of her legs slipped and she crashed into Newt's back. 

"Talk about dangerous," Newt mumbled, grimacing a bit because of the pain that spread through his back. 

"Me sorry," Summer pouted cutely, looking up at her boyfriend who rolled his eyes and pulled her into his lap. 

"This place is not half bad, to be honest," Fry said out of nowhere, probably getting bored of the deafening silence among us. No one knew what to say. Sure we were comfortable after a long time. We had warm clothes, food, water and we were promised to be safe. Tomorrow we are supposed to leave. Someplace called Safe Haven. 

I just wonder if it is really safe. The people here seemed to believe so. They say that it is the place where WICKED won't be able to reach us. But in my opinion, the whole WICKED headquarters would have to fall, with every single one of the workers ending up dead, for them to give up. Ava Paige, the woman behind all of this looks like the type that is not about to give up or give in for anything. 

And don't even let me start on Janson. That creepy rat was way too deep into it. It wouldn't surprise me if he would come out of it as an even worse villain than Ava herself. After Mary's explanation, I do understand what their first intentions were. But killing innocent kids, just to find some cure? We were mentally and physically tortured. Locked up in the maze. Labeled as the property of someone that only wanted to kill us in the end for the greater good. How many people do need to die for them to understand that this is not the way? 

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