Chapter 1

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Wolfkit jumped onto the rock, growling. "I, Wolfstar, make you Windpaw, a warrior! your warrior name will be WindFox! Since you are sooo tall and annoyin-" Windkit jumped on-top her, pushing her off. "Who made you leader?" Stonekit wailed, and Rockkit nodded. Wolfkit rolled her eyes, "Because i got that mouse for mom!" Rockkit snorted, "So did Windkit! He and you both got a mouse each."

Scarlet let out a laugh. The kits were always bickering, usually when they were tired. "Alright everybody, nap time!" moans echoed the cave. "But we aren't sleepy!" Wolfkit cried, the argument forgotten. "Yes!" her brothers wailed, "We still want to play."

"You can after. Now come here and shut your eyes." She smiled as they scrambled over slowly, then settled themselves beside her. Scarlet licked they're small heads and watched as the fell asleep. She had journeyed for a long time, her kits following close beside her. Mick had stayed with her as long as he could, till the worried Lolly had appeared and took over. It was hard to leave him after being with him forever, but her new kits needed to go home. She had convinced every cat she pasted by to assisted her with the kits, having them carry one kit till they couldn't go on and had to retreat back to their territories. She had millions of names now, each kind and generous to her.

She felt so close to home, yet she know no one here. But the clues were everywhere. Cat after cat had reported to her about strange, wild cats that lived in the woods. Yet none had ever seen one, untill today. " The cat's name was Scratch, and he had got his name for a risen. "Cats' were faster then a fish," He had said, "I tried to fight them like i usually did, but i couldn't get a swipe on them. One a them got a little too crazy and gave me a big, bad scar from me shoulder to paw, then another on me face." The old cat had insisted she sleep in his 'summer' den. He had his own freshkill pile, but had left for his other den nearby. He was even kind enough to give the kits some moss to play with.

They souldn't be kits anymore. She thought They're seven moons old! Maybe i should- NO! They're leader will do that!

Scarlet sighed, then set her head down to sleep.


"Windkit, Wolfkit, Rockkit and Stonekit, you have all reached the age of eight moons." Scarlet began. She had finally decided to let them finally train as apprentices. She went through her one and only ceremony she know of. The kits watched excitedly as she continued. She would be their one and only true clan mentor, and Starclan knows how hard this was going to be. They each had already known how to hunt and battle some and say half of the code, even before the ceremony. At least, they had company. Scratch had insisted he help, along with a young loner, Jack. Each had given loads of info to the kits, but Jack had given them a plan.

After wondering forever, she had finally found herself back at the summer den at Scratch's. Jack, who had heard Scarlet's story, said the kits should stop and train, then Scratch and him would personally escort them home. She had accepted with gratitude.

Scarlet licked Wolfpaw's shoulder and stepped back to let them jump. "We're apprentices!" Wolfpaw yowled. "YES!! Finally!!" Windpaw cried. Stonepaw and quiet Rockpaw glanced at each other, eyes glowing with triumph and happiness. Each paw looked at Scarlet. She smiled.

"Alright, Jack, you train Wolfpaw. Scratch, you have Rockpaw. I'm taking Windpaw and Stonepaw for a hunt." Each sibling nodded and ran off to their mentors, excited to train, but reluctant to leave each other.

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