Chapter 29

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"Life is tough my darling, but so are you."

"Where will you run little kit?" He grins and flashes his fangs,"You can't hide!"

WolfClaw turned and ran. Her heart was racing. 

The earth rumbles, and suddenly, a large creak in the ground. WolfClaw try's to stop, but her paws slip.

The last thing she remembers is HailStream's murderous grin.



"WolfClaw! It's ok. I'm here, your safe."

WolfClaw's eyes fluttered open. Her brother, WindFern, looked at her with a worried face.

"Some dream, huh?" 

"Y-yeah. It was just a dream." That felt too real she added to herself.

"You must be really stressed out. I'd be if I had to do something like that."

"Huh?" She looked at him. Like, really looked at him. It was obvious that he had been up for some time. He yawned every now and then. Because his injured leg was wrapped tightly with cobweb, he had to lay an awkward angle. Poor guy, but what did he mean by that?

"Everyone really thought you were leaving, and you just turned it upside-down at the last minute. I always admired your way of doing things."

"You... admire me?"

"Well, yeah. Your brave, and you don't care how small you are." He teased. WolfClaw grinned, and used her paw to scuff his ear.

"I'm not small!"

"Yes you are! I'm taller then you, RockFur is too, even StoneHeart is! Admit it, you're a mouse."

"Never!" She giggled a little to loud. RockFur's tail swatted WindFern from behind.

"Will you too keep it down." He grumbled, "Some of us have patrol first thing in the morning."


"Good Morning!" Petalpaw cheered, trotting in step with WolfClaw.

"Morning." WolfClaw answered with a smile. After falling into a dreamless sleep, her mood turned out bright when she awoke. Petalpaw also seemed to be in a good mood.

"What are you doing today?" She asked.

"I was planing on going joining the patrol that NightingStar is taking to the border." She gestured towards the small group that was forming near the camp exit. Cats, including RockFur, were waiting to leave.

"But I-" Petalpaw snapped her mouth shut. WolfClaw stopped walking, realizing why the apprentice had greeted her in the first place.

"Did... you want to ask me something?" 

"Um... maybe..." She shook her head,"It's not important. I'll just have... um... OwlSong! OwlSong will help me!" She turned to rush away.

"Wait!" WolfClaw explained. PetalPaw stopped and looked up hopefully at her.

With one small glance at the patrol, she sighed with a smile,"Lets go. RockFur will tell us all the juicy gossip when he gets back."

"Yes! Thank you!"


"So here's the plan." PetalPaw ordered her small group she had gathered in the training grounds. This group consisted of WolfClaw, Leafpaw, Flamepaw, and MorningWing, who just happened to be passing by and offered to help WolfClaw kit-sit.

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