The beginning

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You come from a Hispanic background btw also I'm probably gonna describe him like daveed so sorry for that! Also don't judge the French in this book

I was on my way to a job interview when I ran into to someone .... knocking all my belongings down ... and spilling my coffee on him ...
" watch where your going asshole!" I say picking up my stuff and walking away ..... little did I know that inter reaction would change everything....

I continue to walk to my job interview.... and when I get there I see them.... the person who I had just met.... and called an asshole .... and he remember me too....

" well hello there..." they say turning around there chair... wiping off coffee from his shirt
" look I'm so-" they cut me off ...
" your hired ...." they say
" what?" You didn't even interview me ....
" sorry let me introduce myself ... I'm Thomas jefferson ...." he says putting his hand out...
" I'm Y/N L/N" I say shaking his hand .... it was weird though .... I start to walk out because I don't start the job till next week ....
" one last thing.... your my assistant...." he says ...
" but I was supposed to be hired for just office worker?!" I say turning around ...
" well now your my assistant... be happy about it!" He says making a smile .... I walk out and fucking him off ... I hear him chuckle and say
" she's one feisty girl..."

One week later ...

Today is the first day of work ... not to exicted because Jefferson seems like a jerk .... I walk to work again and i see him walking too ....
" oh hey Y/N!" He says running up to me ...
" whatcha doin ..." he says walking beside me ....
" walking ..." I say putting my headphones in .... but I guess he doesn't get the hint ... he continues to talk ...
" well now I'm talking to you! Did you know I can speak some French! Wanna hear it?" He asks.... I don't respond...
" okay well I'm gonna tell you anyways ! bonjour mon nom est thomas jefferson! ( my name is Thomas Jefferson )" he says ... him speaking French was calming though.... we finally get to office and i walk in and clock in.... now I have to listen to him ... great.....

" so I wanna get to know you before we start to work together..." he says sitting down ...
" if you had the interview you wouldn't have to do this ..." I mumble under my breath...
" what was that?"
"Nothing..." I say ....
" okay then you go first! Tell me about your life or what ever you want!" He says ... this was dumb ....

" okay well then I came from a poor family....-" let me just tell you guys ....

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now