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The next day I take a quick shower and head to the work and get started on Alex's tea and blueberries !

"Here is your tea and blueberries!
I say ... he smiles
" thank you last thing! Can you go to the bakery ok 70 th street and get me scone! .." he asks
" of course! Is there any books you need while I'm at it?" I ask
" wow you remembered! Yes I need this book so if you would be kind and get it! Also thank you for cleaning up my  work area.. it was getting a mess" he says
" of course!" I say walking out .. I grab my bag and head to the book store and pick up his books ... then I go the bakery and get him his scone! I get one too and head back to work ...
" your scone and books alex!"I say handing him his stuff
" thank you Y/N! Can you drop these papers off at Madison's office?" He asks
" okay" I say grabbing the papers and putting them in Madison's mail box outside of his office ... I finally go to my desk and get some work done ..... Alexander comes out and turns on the TV to the news....
... Jefferson comes out and starts talking to Washington in front of the TV.... on the News they were talking about some guy ... I knew him ... he ... he.. was my abuser?! And he was getting out of jail! Immediately when Jefferson heard that he said something about it..
" Washington quick! Turn the tv!" He said ... Washington grabbing the remote and fumbling with the buttons .... I start to go into panic mode ... what if he comes back to me? What if he beats me? What if he kills key for leaving him! I start to have a panic attack Jefferson rushes over ... this was his first panic attack that he was dealing with ... he didn't know what to do .... or what was even happening ... I start to tap my chest repeatedly... I used to do that to signal I was having a panic attack .... and Jefferson knew that ...
" Y/N... Y/N look at me!" He says ... I try my best I keep eye contact ...
" hey listen it's gonna be okay!" He says but I could only see all the other people gathering around... so I manage to make out some words
" o—" o say in between breaths.. Jefferson immediately understands and carries me to his office ... I can tell he is panicking because he doesn't know what to do ... but then he has a idea ... I need to distract her ... he knows I love him speaking in French... it always calms me down ... so he sits behind me and makes sure I can feel his heart beat ... he try's to take slow breaths so I can take them with him .. then he starts to speak ...

"hey O / N ça ira bien ... tu dois m'écouter ... prenons quelques respirations profondes ensemble ... ok dedans ... dehors ... bon travail ... dedans ... dehors .. Vous vous sentez mieux? (hey Y/N its gonna be okay... you have to listen to me... let's take some deep breaths together ... okay in.... out... good job ... in.. out... are feeling better?)" he says ... I shake my hand saying kinda ... he proceeds to talk more and play with my hair ... that calmed me down fast ... I always loved people playing with my hair ...
" o-okay I think I feel better..." I say scooting away from him
" oh sorry I just-" I cut him off though .. he as nothing to be sorry about
" no it's okay! You were helping me ... and you helped me out the panic attack thank you!" I say ... he gets up and finds a juice box
" here drink this so you can calm down a little ..." he says handing me it ... my only question is why does he have a Juice box in his office ... I drink the whole thing quick ... it did make me feel better
" look Y/N I'm sorry for being so mean to you.. it's just when I knew I had to move .. I wanted to keep my distance from you... because it will hurt more... if I got to knew you.. our bond will get stronger so it would hurt more if I left.."
I can see him tearing up... I go hug him ....
" it's okay Jefferson...." I say rubbing his back ... we stay like that for a little ... then we get up...
" are you sure you will be able to go back to work?" He asks throwing away the Juice box
" yes Mi amor I'll be fine!" I say grazing his chin with my hand ... that makes him blush fast .... he earned a lot of trust right then... I mean he helped me through a panic attack.... no body has ever done that for me ... they only watched in confusion and terror ... or laughed ... which always made it worse ... I head back out and people quickly go back to work ...
" girl are you going to be okay?" Matt asks ..
" I honestly don't know .." I say ... I'm really worried.. he knows where I live ... he knows everything about me ...
" it's okay ... your gonna be okay.." he says .. but to be honest nobody knew if it was gonna be okay ... for the rest of the day I barley get any work done .. so just keep on replaying what the TV said ... he was gonna get out of jail... and Jefferson notices ... he calls me into his office
" Y/N are you okay? You've been worrying all day.." he says .. I guess it was noticeable...
" yea I'm fine ..." I say lying ... he can tell I am ...
" Y/N..." he says ..
" okay fine ! He knows where I live and when he went to jail he said when he got out he would come and kill me ..." I wanted to cry ... but nothing ever came out ... he comes hug me ...
" Y/N... it's gonna be okay... do you want me to come over? Or you can stay at my place ... or I can get you a hotel?" He says ... it was really nice that he thought of me ...
" can I stay with you? I just don't want to go home... I don't know what he is capable of ..." I say ..
" of course you can stay with me ... the last thing I want to happen it you getting hurt ..." he says .. his the into one who has ever cared ...
" okay let me finish up here and then we can head to my house .." he says cleaning up his desk ... I go clean up mine and then we head to his house ...
" okay you can go to the extra room down the hall!" He says pointing to the room ... his house was so big ... I sit down on the bed ... it was so comfortable...
" foods ready Y/N!" I come out and see a whole mean on the table ... it's the only time I have had a whole meal...
" okay I'm gonna head to bed.." I say walking back to the room.. I take a shower and wash my face ... and then head to bed ...

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now