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The cops drop us off at home ...
" I was worried sick I thought you were d-" I get cut off by Jefferson kissing me ... I missed him... so much... he was gone for a whole week...
" look I'm here now.... and that's what matters.." he says trying to calm me down... it did work a little but I mean he just got kidnapped!
" yea..." I say holding his hands ... I never wanted to let go...
" look Y/N.. trust me I'm fine.. if I wasn't I would have told you ... but I need you to trust me..." he says ..
" I trust you..." I say... because I do...
" okay good ... now let's stop being sad and do something fun!" he says getting up ...he leads me out and we walk to the park .. we sit down and start to talk.. it was nice and peaceful.. but I noticed he started to get kinda distracted...

Jefferson POV

While we were at the park all I could about was Y/N... I know we have only been together for a year... but after all we went through... I just want to make her mine... call her mine.... call her my wife.... and I don't want to wait anymore .... I'm done waiting... I know what I want to do.... I want to propose....how I want to do it..well that the one thing I don't know .... I want to make it special .... it was spring and there was cherry blossom falling... maybe we could have a pinic ... next to the water.... under a cherry blossom tree... and when she turns her back... I'll be in my knee... waiting for her to tune around ... that would be perfect .... I can only hope she says yes...
" earth to Jefferson!" She says waving her hand infront of my face ...
" oh sorry I spaced out.." I say ..
" yea I could tell! Anyways I was telling you about that duck over there... well they just stole your sandwich .." she says laughing
" what! And you didn't take it back?" I say laughing
" from a duck? What no! You can have some of mine ..." she says handing me some of her sandwich
" why thank you mi amour " I say taking a bite... she blushes and then I continue to space out... that perfect... and then I'll get her a beautiful ring ... and I'll let her pick out the wedding .... I mean it's the least I can do...
" okay mind to tell me why you keep spacing out?" She asks
" how do you know that I'm spacing out?" I say .. turning around and look at her ...
" well first of all you start to drool.. and second you weren't responding!" She says laughing ...
" I drool?" I say... we both laugh...
"well that's kinda weird... drooling... while I space out weird... " I say
" well I mean it's not the weirdest thing you do..." she says laughing..we get up and head home ...


I wonder why Jefferson kept spacing out.... I mean it's good because I kept spacing out too... after all we went through together.... I want to get married already... I'm done waiting... and anyways I always make the first move ... I want to propose to him... under a cherry blossom tree.... on the side of the beach.... at a pinic ... and when he turns around I'll pull out the ring ... and propose... and then we can plan the wedding together ... it's perfect ..
" okay now you keep spacing out..." he says laughing..
" well I get it from someone!" I say playfully punching him in the arm ...
" wow okay rude!" Jefferson says ..
we both laugh and head to bed ....

Okay this is the pretty short and I think the story is ending soon.... and then I think on the side I'm gonna do hayikuu oneshots! But I need to know what to write next.... leave some ideas!! Anyways ... I'm out !
                                             - L

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now