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So I know you have some suspicions about that call in the last chapter ... so let me fill you in....

During that call yesterday...

Jefferson POV

" hello? What do you want.." I say .. why was she calling me
" feisty.... well it's time for you to pay child support... I mean after all you have a baby.... tike to pay up... or else ... Y/N will know ..." then she hangs up ... child support? I have a kid.... this is going to ruin everything.....

Okay back to our normal chapters ....


The next morning I got ready for work and me and Jefferson headed to work's pretty fun heading to work together now! I still give Alexander his tea and blueberries ! Even though he does have an assistant... I just wanna do something ! My job is so boring now I'm just a manager... pretty boring .... so o usually bother somebody in the office ... whether its Jefferson ... Matt... Alexander .. or even Washington... when I walked into Alexander's office we start to talk and then he mentions something ... A winters ball?

" hey I'm hosting a winters ball! I was wondering would you and Jefferson like to come? " he asks

" well I'm down! Let me ask Jefferson, then I'll get back to you!"

" okay you can just text me..." he says handing me a note with his phone number

" oh yea!" I walk out and into Jefferson's office ...

" of perfect! hey Alexander is hosting a little ball would you like to come of course you don't have to!" Jefferson asks

" oh Alexander just told me! But Of course I would love to come ..." I say sitting down

"Okay then you need to get a dress and I need to get a suit!" He says grabbing my hand and rubbing it..

"Oh so it's that type of ball... okay... well then what are we waiting for let's go" I say pulling his hand and leading him outside of his office ..

We go dress shopping first! I want something classy... but also sexy.... to tease Jefferson a little ... make him go crazy...

" okay we have two options!" The dresser says holding up the two dresses

" okay we have two options!" The dresser says holding up the two dresses

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Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now