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AT work ....

"Wow I'm-" I cut him off though... I don't want him To pity me ...
" don't feel sorry! I just want to let you know I do have panic attacks .... not a lot but sometimes..." I say
" how can I help with that?" He asks
" honestly you can't... I don't really know.... is there anything I should know about you before I start to work ?" I ask pulling out a clipboard so I can take notes
" Oo you came prepared!" He says tapping a pen on the clipboard...
" no shit Sherlock!" I say kitting the pen...
" you can't curse here ...I didn't make the word George did.." he says .. who's goerge?  I'm just gonna have to figure that out later...
" I like my coffee from that little cafe on 70 street... ooo and bread from the little bakery lafeyette gets his! And never speak to Alexander when he is working ! I mean never !" He continues to talk... who's all those people? I'm just gonna have to figure that out later...
" that's all!" He says....
" okay then... I'll be heading to my desk..." he nods and I walk out my desk...
" hey! Your new right?! I'm Matt!" They say ...
" I go by they/him pronouns by the way!" He says ... that's cool.. they/him
" I'm Y/N..." I say sitting down ...
" who do you work for?" He asks ... god he talks aloe ...
" Jefferson..." I say cleaning up my desk...
" ooo... yikes... make sure not to date him ... he dates almost every assistant he has ..." Matt says ... he puts a little plant on my desk ...
" who do you work for?" I ask ..
" laffeytte !" They say... I should've known ... he has a loaf of bread on his desk ...
" by chance do you know where lafeyette gets his bread? Jefferson likes it ..." I ask ...
" oh yea! It he gets it next to the coffee shop if 70th street!" Great! The coffee and bread are next to each other!
" well we should get back to work Washington is coming ..."they say starting to type on their computer.. I see a tall man walk by me ...
" and who would you be?" He asks ... Jesus Christ he was tall... Matt seemed to be scared of him .... I don't know why though ...
" I'm Jefferson's assistant. Y/N L/N nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand ... he seems confused ...
" wait why aren't you scared of me ?" He says ...
" why would I be scared of you." I say getting back to my job ... he huffs...
" then I'm just gonna have to make you!" He says grabbing my arm ... I feel a little fear in me come up... but not because I was scared of him ... because he reminded me of my abusive ex .... he drags me past Jefferson's office and I see Jefferson run ..
" let go of her Washington!" He says grabbing me away from him...
" Really Jefferson? Falling in love again?" He says
" no! She just came from an ABUSIVE relationship! Your gonna trigger her!" He says standing in front of me ... why did it hurt when he said he didn't love me....
" oh... I'm sorry Y/N..." he says ... I step out from Jefferson's shadow ... and laugh..
" not the first time that would have happened..." everybody laughed ... but it was an awkward laugh ... I mean I was joking about getting abused... I go back to my work and everybody goes back to there's ...
" why are you scared if Washington?" I ask Matt...
" what?! Did you see him! Just because you weren't scared of him he was bouta make you scared of him!" They say ... I guess nobody messes with Washington....
" wouldn't have worked anyways ..." I say getting back to work ...
" CAN YALL SHUT UP IM TRYING TO WRITE!" I hear someone yell ... must have been Alexander... I do some work until Jefferson calls me in ...
" yes sir?" I ask ...
" Oo sir! You gonna call me that in the bedroom?" He asks playfully
" sexualizing your workers is against the law sir ... unless you want to end up in jail I suggest you stop ..." I say ... that puts a surprises face in him ...
" okay then ... anyways it's about to be lunch and I need something to eat !" He says ...
" and?" I ask ... this dude can't get his own lunch?
" well I'm going to need you get lunch! Here go to this place!" He says handing me a note ... it was his number ...
" really?!" I say ripping it up ...
" god laugh a little!" He says handing me another note ... the real note ...
" on it ... sir" I hesitate to say the last word ... I walk out and head to the food place ... he had a long order ... I come back and give him his food ...
" one last request... I want you to eat lunch with me!" He says patting a seat..
" I'm on my lunch break so no can do sir!" I say walking out ....
" I'm surprised I didn't hear moaning from his office already! His a player ... and a good one ..." me and Matt share a laugh and eat out lunch together... they were nice to talk to ... we exchanged numbers and had plans for this weekend ... then I got to go back to work .. I hear Jefferson call me into his office
" okay one rule ... you can't say no ..." he says ... what a jerk ...
" really? I'm not gonna date you like every other assistant you had so keep dreaming!" I say leaning on the wall
" will do! Another thing! I need papers from Alexander! So if you would be kind enough to go get them that would be great!" He says ... didn't he say not to talk to him ... I'm pretty sure they hate each other ... I knock on Alex's door
" come in!" He says ...
" im here to get papers for Jefferson." I say sticking out my hand
" oh your his new assistant! Are you guys dating?" He asks and laughs
" no I would never date my boss that's unprofessional... anyways I just came out of an abusive relationship I don't wanna get back I one.." I say ... that definitely shifts the mood ...
" oh I'm sorry... anyways tell him I'm not giving him the papers! He can't get them himself !" Alex says crossing his arms ... why are all these men childish
" okay.." I say turning around and walking out ..
" where are the papers?!" Jefferson yells ...
" first of all don't yell at me... second of all he said to go get them yourself" I say ... I'm not gonna handle with his bullshit ..
" oh I'm sorry miss ...I'll go talk to him ..." he says getting up ...
" fuck off Lauren's" he says walking out ... what happened to the no cursing?  Lauren's walks in the office
" hi I'm-"
" John Lauren's I know .. " I say
" oh nice! Anyways your the first person to ever stand up to Jefferson! And he actually listened! That's crazy!" He says ...
" that's all you want?" I ask
" yea... bye Y/N!" He says waving at me ... he is so peppy...
" by Lauren's ..." I say walking out and back to my desk .. I continue to work until my shift is over .. while walking home I see Jefferson again ...
" Y/N wait up!" He says ... but I just start to walk faster
" caught up to you!" He says ..
" woo..." I say sarcastically
" what's your problem? You always seem in a bad mood!" He says ...
" first of all never point that out to a lady unless you want to get slapped. Second of all I'm tired of men's bullshit." I say ...
" not all m-" I cut him off
" not all men at are the same" I say in a annoying tone
" well you are until proven wrong ... so prove wrong ..." I say ...
" fine then I will!" He says crossing his arm ... I get to my apartment complex and head inside
" bye Y/N !! See you tomorrow!!" He says waving his hand dramatically... I head home and do a little more paperwork and then a shower ... I finish off by eating and heading to bed ...

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now