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The next day I take shower before work and get Jefferson his coffee and bread .. I give him his things and then I head to my desk ... and do some office work ... Alexander calls me into his office ... which was weird because Alexander was always working ... he never stopped for anything ...

" Yes Alexander?" I say ... he seemed upset ..
" you need to tell Jefferson something ... I want you to tell him because he might take it more easy ..." Alex says ... I was already thinking the worse ... was he fired?
" okay....what is it?" I ask
" Jefferson is needed in another state ... he needs to move there ... we don't know how long for but there is some trouble with the People over there ......." I couldn't believe it ... what were the people doing?
" okay I'll tell him ..." I say ... I walk out his office and head to my desk real quick .. I search up what's going for in Virginia

The people in Virginia are mad! There has been police brutality! And they are not putting up with it! They are making riots and protests! All of them are peaceful but the police are not liking it ...

How could they! What are the police doing! I check to see if there are any protest here .. there is! I'm going to head to one this weekend .. and show my support... I head to
Jefferson's ....
" yes Y/N? Did you need something?" He says looking up from his work ...
" well ... I have something to tell you?" I say ...
" go on?" He says ... he was confused ... and honestly I was too ...
" you need to go to Virginia... the People are acting up over there .." I say
"  Alexander said that you need to go but he doesn't know for how long ..." that makes him upset and mad ...
" I have to move?" He says standing up ... I slowly make up against the door
" yes Jefferson" I say
" get out..." he says sitting down
" w-what?" I say
" I said her out!" He says ... he was so mad ...
" okay Thomas ..." I say getting out his office .. it was weird.. he never talks to me like that .. it's not even my fault ... slowly he started to drift away from me.. I would give him his coffee and bread but he wouldn't even say anything ... not even thank you ... he didn't even ask for anything throughout the day ...


" here you go Jefferson!!" I say handing him his coffee and a cupcake! He just motions for me to leave ... and he did this almost every day .. I was Upset so I asked Alex what was happening with Jefferson ... and he didn't know either


" yea do you know why Jefferson has been acting weird?" I ask
" he hasent with me? Or anybody here ... did you guys get into a argument?" He asks ... I go through every interaction and I don't remember anything
" no I don't think so ... I'm make it up to him! Do you know what he likes?" I ask ...
" hmm... no not really ..." he says ... he gets back to work and I go back to my desk ..
Hmm... maybe... having lunch with him? On my first day that's what he wanted to do ... yea I'll do that! I go get his favorite lunch ... and I get something for me too... and then I go knock on his door ...
" hey I thought we could have lunch together!" I say holding up his lunch ...
" I rather be alone right now ..." he says grabbing his lunch ..
" oh okay..." I say walking out .. it hurt ... he wasn't his normal self ...


One day I walked up to jeffersons office just to check if he needed anything ... because I was tired of him not asking for anything .. I was his assistant I was supposed to help him ...
" hey Jefferson need anything?" I say walking in
" if I don't call you ... I don't need anything ..." he says ...
" now leave ..." he was so rude ...
" You know what Thomas? You have been rude for these past weeks! And I don't appreciate it ... so if something is bothering you... you can just say it!" I say .. that shocked him ... he stands up ...
" You can not talk to me like! Do you understand me?" He says ... he was so mad... I just walk out and go back to my desk ... I was burning with anger .. I see him walk out and into Washington's office ... then they both come out .. expect Jefferson walks past me and smiles ... then he goes to his office ...
" Y/N... will you please come here.." Washington says ... now I was scared ... and Matt was scared for me
" you Bouta die girl.." he says .. I roll my eyes and walk over to Washington's office
" did you need something sir?" I ask sitting down in his office
" okay I'm sorry but Jefferson just came in here and asked for a different assistant... do I agree with him at all? No! I don't know what has gotten into him ... but you will no longer be his assistant... you will be Alexander's! Which is very special because Alexander barely asks for assistants!" Washington explains ...
" oh... okay sir .. when is I start?" I ask ..
" tomorrow.... and again I'm sorry ... I don't know what has gotten into him .." ..
" it's okay.." I say getting up ... I clean up my desk and walk into Jefferson's office ...
" just found out what you did ... and wow Thomas ... that's low .... anyways I'm not leaving! I will still be here ... and I'll make sure to make your life miserable!" I say ... it hurt though ... Thomas was shocked too... but I just left ... he didn't even say anything ... I move to a different desk and put my stuff back up ... then I head to Alexander's office ...
" looks like I'll be your new assistant sir!" I say ..
" oh you can call my Alex Y/N! Im exicted to see you start working!" Alex says ...

The next day ...

I head to work and report to Alex ...
" what should I be doing in the morning for you?" I ask ..
" if you would please make me tea and get me some blueberry! That would be great! And if I need some books I will put a note on your desk so when you come you can go get them!" He explains
" okay will do! I'll start on your tea and blueberry right away!" I say walking out .. I go to the break room and make him some tea .. then I grab some blueberrys and head back to his office
" your tea and blueberries Alex!" I say putting them down on his desk ..
" why thank you Y/N! Could you please go get these books! I just got notified that they are back in stock!" He says handing me a list ...
" will do sir!" I head out and go to my car ... I go to the book store and pick them up ... I go back to his office and his not there .. I see he left a note

I'll be back I'm on a quick break! If you could put the books in their spots in my library that would be good! Thank you
       - Alexander

I look for the books spots ... and put them in ... he had so many books! I clean up his desk a little and resupply anything he needed .. I head to my desk and start to do some paper work for him ...

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now