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Today is the day Jefferson comes back!!! I decided to get him Chinese so when he gets home he can eat his favorite food! I'm so excited for him to come back!! I mean he hasn't been here for a whole year!!

" Y/N I'm home!!" I hear him say

" Jefferson!" I say running up to him and hugging him ...

" ooo is that Chinese food I smell?"
He says looking around

" yep! I wanted to get you a welcome home gift!!" I say handing him his food ... we both eat our food and catch up... he tells me what he did in Virginia... and I tell him that I got promoted! By the way work has been great! Everybody is having fun and Alexander new assistant has been getting the hang of things .. and so far alexander likes her ...

( out of story ) but clearly Jefferson doesn't tell all... you cheater ..

Then Jefferson goes washes the dishes while I shower ... I head to bed and not to long after I hear Jefferson walk into his room ... in the morning we go to work and part our ways ... ok my lunch I walk in and see Jefferson with his head in his hands leaning over his desk .... I see some papers ... but I just can't tell what ...
" Jefferson are you-" he cuts me off ...
" qu'est-ce que je vais faire ( what am I going to do..)......" I was confused .... why was he speaking French... he only Speaks french when he was comforting me and- I get pulled out the office ... by Matt?
" girl stay out his office his mad!" Matt says ...
" why though?!" I ask
" he got some legal papers from you saying some stuff about him ... you know sexually.. that he well... was sexualizing you ......" Matt says... I never sent those papers to him ... I mean at the beginning he was sexualizing me .. but I would never take him to court because of that ...
" did you send those papers to him? He is so mad at you ... I told him that it was fake cause that anit your signature but he wouldn't listen ...." Matt explains .... then I see jeffferson walk out your office ...
" what the fuck is this Y/N?" He says holding up a legal document... i quickly read it ....

Y/N L/N is summoning you to court for sexual comments at a work place ...

" Thomas..." I say... that gets him off his high horse ... I have always been more domanit than him ... he slowly backs up .... I walk towards him....
" Thomas..." I laugh ...
" first of all ... that fucking paper would not come to your desk! It would go to your home !" I say... he slowly backs up towards the wall.. he hits it and I can tell he knows he messed up ....
" Thomas ..." it seems like I'm bigger than him now and his small ...
" second thing .... that is not my fucking signature! Matt could've fucking told you! And he did! That document is fake! I worked with you for months! And you don't know my signature?" I laugh ... everybody in the office is starring ... they have never seen me this mad...
"Thomas.... third thing ... you could've tell because it doesn't have a stamp of approval!" I say tapping his chest ... I start to walk away and he walks towards me ...
" Y/N-" I cut him off ...
" no Thomas... I quit ... I'm fucking done with your bullshit .." I say grabbing my stuff and walking out ... I can't believe he would think I would do that .... I head to a Mexican club so I can destress... dancing has always made me feel better... I start to dance to a song with some other people .... when I do a spin ... I see Thomas standing there ... i quickly stop dancing and he walks over ...
" look Y/-" I cut him off..
" dance..." I say dragging him to the dance floor
" w-what?"
" if you want me to listen dance!" I say starting to dance ...
" I don't know how?!" He says...
" just go with the music!" I say twirling him ... he starts to get the hang of it ...
"Okay I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry y/N I wasent in the right head space! Please come back your the only person who knows me well! Everybody else keeps messing up my office and all the orders I give them...."
" oh so you begging me to come back?!" I say...
" No-" I cut him off...
" want me to come back!?" I say .... mind you we all still dancing throughout this whole thing ..
"Fine yes Y/N I'm begging you to come back! Please come back! You are the best assistant! I can't live without! Please Y/N come back to me! Please!"
" then I want a raise!" I mean I'm gonna come back anyways so why not get something out of
" Y/N-" I cut him off
" do you want me to come back? Or even consider coming back?" I say
" fine what ever you want just come back!" He says dipping me...
" fine I'll come back!" I say...
" thank you!" He says bringing me up and kissing me...
" sorry th-" I cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him...
" I love you..." he says... He kisses me again...
" I love you too mi amor" which makes him blush... we continue to dance ...
" okay I'm dizzy.." he says walking off the dance floor ...
" wow couldn't handle the heat?" I say laughing and following him
" is that a challenge?" He says drinking some water
" I don't know is it?" I say backing up back to the dance floor
" your on!" He says grabbing me and we start to dance ... to the point where everybody is watching us and we're the only ones on the dance floor ... the spot lights follows us ... and when the music stops the people start to chant
" KISS! KISS! KISS!" They all chant ... we laugh and I grab his face and kiss him ...
" hey I'm the guy! I'm supposed to be kissing you!!" He says
" stop being stereotypical... baby boy.." I say grazing his chin with me hand ... he closes his eyes and I kiss him again ... we get off the dance floor and eat some food ... it was perfect ... he was perfect


But Jefferson was still keeping a secret ...

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now