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Okay this is were the story's separate! The last chapter was the last one where the story's were combined !!

" Y/N... I'm not hiding anything! I would never hind anything from you!" Jefferson says getting my up... it seemed so genuine... like he meant it..... maybe Angelica was just playing  me ... I mean she doesn't like Jefferson....
" please don't lie to me..." I say almost tearing up.
" I would never lie to you Y/N... I love you...I am yours ... and yours only " he says giving me a hug... when we separated he pinky promised... no one can break a pinky promise.... I felt better ... he seemed normal .... it felt right ... I loved him... and he loved me.... of course we did!

A few weeks later
Y/N is now fully moved in!!!

When I'm going through the bills and mail .. I see Jefferson.. his salary... I open it because I usually pay his bills because well his dumb... his salary never changed ... but he said it did ... he said Washington called him and said he got a raise ... was he lying .... was that what Angelica meant.... I mean it's not too bad of a lie... it's only money... I never got with him for money... I got with him for him... I continue to go through the mail when I see something....

Something different.... something I have never seen .... something new....

... child support ... to a women .. he has a child? You would think he would tell me that! But I don't understand! Surley someone would have told me! Why didn't anyone tell me! That's when Angelica called me....

Angelica POV

I wanted to check in on Y/N... I wanted to know if Jefferson told her... ... I mean ... he would have told her right? I decided to just call Y/N.. I want the best for her ... always .. I may not know Y/N fully... and she may not trust me... but she deserves to know.. whether this changes things for her .. but I can't just keep lieing .... she can't be with a cheater ....
* cough * Alexander
Bold- Angelica
Normal - Y/N
" hello?"
" hey it's Angelica! I just wanted to check that Jefferson told you..."
" no.... but it didn't seem like he was lying when he told me he didn't have anything to tell me..."
" well I'm sorry to say but he is lying ... I have something to tell you about Jefferson ..."
" oh.. what is it?"
" well when I was in Virginia I saw him making out with another girl ... and well more things happened.. but it wasent just for one night ... it was for multiple .... "

I hear the phone hit the floor .. then it hangs up .... I keep trying to call over and over again to make sure she was okay... but she didn't answer... I started to panic ...


When Angelica told me the news .. I was in shock.. why didn't he tell me... we could have been passed this .... I know I wasent with him but you could think he would tell me! But how do know she's not lying .... maybe I can check his phone ... no cause he will know what I'm doing ... wait I have an idea ... I need to call his Phone company .. they can show me his messages without him knowing ... I'm scared to do this .... but I need to... I can't have him lying to me .... I call them ... and I requested his messages.... only an hour later they give them to me .... I was so scared to read them ... but I had to.... cause if I didn't ... I would have to live knowing that he is lying to me ....

Jefferson : I'm at the bar...😘😉
Emily : okay I'll meet you there cutie ... then the real fun starts 😉💋
Jefferson: and if your wearing anything under your dress your gonna be in big trouble ...🥵🤬
Emily : yes daddy..💕🥵💋

( A/N : oh god this is awkward....)

And there's more .. I'll show you some more ..
This one is a call they had ... it was when he lied and said he got a raise ...

Bold - Jefferson
Normal - Emily

" hello? What do you want.."
" feisty.... well it's time for you to pay child support... I mean after all you have a baby.... tike to pay up... or else ... Y/N will know ..."

That's where the calls ends ... he has a c-child.... and he didn't tell me .. after all this time .... I trusted him! I told him everything! I SHOWED HIM I WAS WEAK! AND WHAT DID HE DO? HE WENT AND GOT ANOTHER GIRL PREGNANT! I couldn't believe it.... my life was ruined... he was my life .. my chance at a brand new start .... and now it's all gone ... for ever .... I waited till he got home ..... to confront him ... and this time ... I won't have any mercy..... if I have to kill him I will....  I start to pack... I can't stay here .... not with him ....

. when he comes home I'm sitting there crossing my arms
" what's wrong princess?" He says kissing my cheek
" first of all im a fucking queen! And second you weren't gonna tell me who Emily was? Your a fucking liar! You said you were all mine Thomas! You a cheater Thomas! Wait till I tell Washington... your life will be fucking ruined Thomas..." I say picking up my bag and suitcase ...
" Mi amour ..." he says grabbing my arm ...
" do you call her that too? It's fucking Y/N to you ..." I say opening the door and walk out ... I hear him drop down to his knees ... I hope he fucking begs me to come back ... but then I can say no and break his heart like he did to me... A taste of his own medicine.... fucking bitch ....

I head to Washington's office .... if he is going to ruin my life.... I will ruin his fucking career.. make sure people know his name... but not for a good reason ... the man who cheated .... the person in GOVERNMENT who cheated ...

" Y/N? What are you doing here?" Washington asks
" well... I have something to tell you..." I say laying down the message I printed out and the recordings... Washington starts to listen .... he slowly starts to burn up ..
" THOMAS!" He says getting up in a fit of rage ... I just laugh and leave ... my job is done .... Goodluck Thomas ... luckily I was saving money ... so I got myself a nice little apartment.... it felt homey... I unpacked ...

A few days later

I hear a knock on my door ... I go open the door I'm because I did order some food ... but what I saw ... was Thomas ...

" Y/N please ... I don't know what to do I love you so much and I messed up but I won't do it again please just get back with me!" He says begging me to come back ..
" Thomas ... do you really think I'm gonna take your ass back? After reading what you texted her? After watching what you did with her? ( A/N.. they recording a sex tape.... yea....)
Thomas do you think I'm a fucking idiot? How dumb do you think I am? I am not gonna take your ass back! Never! Do you understand what you did? You gained my trust and then just went and Cheated! For what reason huh? Because You were  drunk ? You could have been honest with me and told me? But what did you do? Keep it a secret ? You know how I found out! Fucking Angelica! She saw you with Emily over there in Virginia... and the rest was so easy to find .... you know how  fucking embarrassed I was? Hearing my own boyfriend Cheated on me ... and with who? Was she better than me? Did I not make you happy?"
I say .. tears running down my face but no sounds coming out
" Y/N..." he says trying to hug me but I just let go and close the door ... I hear him bang on the door ...
" please Y/N..." but I just put headphones in and walk away from the door ... i was done ... he made it like this ... and I was not going to forgive him ... EVER.


Y/N would live on to never get with another person.. yea she would be successful ... but she would always miss Jefferson .. she loved him ... but she couldn't go back ... it hurt to much .. to even look at him ... she lost contact with everybody....

Okay now that were over with the sad ending ! Let's go to the happy ! ( which will be longer than one chapter btw )
Hope y'all are liking this book so far!! I think the next book or side time book might be hayikuu oneshots! ( hayikuu is a anime! Definitely watch it!!!)

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