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On Monday

I go pick up the suit... and his coffee and bread ... I head to his office and he wasent there ... I set down his stuff and head to Alexander's office ... not there ... lafeyette... not there ... Lauren's ... not there and my way to Washington's I see them in a meeting ... that makes more sense ... I go sit down and do some paper work ... boring ... then I see Thomas go back to his office ... he seemed tense ... I heard a little sigh and
"Y/N..." come out of his office ... I didn't know what that meant ... but I just continued to work until lunch ... before I was able to leave the building I see Jefferson walk out too
" Y/N!" He says running towards me ...
" I'm sorry and now I know how you feel and I'm just sorry that I kept flirting with you when you weren't interested..." he says ...
" okay look Jefferson... I do love you .... But I just came out of an abusive relationship and I don't really know how to trust someone ... so I think I just need some time .." his eyes light up so bright ...
" really?!" He says ..
" okay don't over do this..." I say rolling my eyes ... he immediately hugs me ...
" oh sorry-" I cut him off
" it's okay Jefferson!" I say laughing ... we head to lunch together and talk about random stuff ...it was nice .. he was nice ... slowly I started to build trust with him .. he was really nice ... and understanding ...

The next day

I walk to my desk one day and see flowers... and a little note

   Hey Y/N I got you your favorite flowers to give you a little pick me up! I noticed you haven't been as sassy so I'm just a little worried !
    - Jefferson

I laugh at his note ... and walk over to his office ...
" flowers really? And the note!" I say
" hey I thought you would like flowers! I just want to make your comfortable!" He says ...
" well that was very sweet of you!" I say sniffing the flowers ... we both laugh and I head back and do more Boring office work .... I see another assistant and they are handing out a flyer? I pick one up and read it

You have been invited to the office party of your life! Holloween party! We will be watching movies...tricker treaty at the office but! You have to dress up! Pick any costume! This day will be a great day!!

A Halloween party... seems fun... how many more days until Halloween? 5 DAYS?? What do I wear ?? Jesus Christ?
" Matt? Do you have a costume yet??" I ask
" oh god no! I don't know what to do!" They say
" there's only 5 days! Everything is gonna be sold out!!" Me and them both start to panic ....
" after work let's head to your house!" I say .. he nods ... after work we head to his house ...
" okay let's brain storm!" I say taking out a peice paper ....
" maybe something slutty?" He says
" really? It's an office party! I want to make people scared!" I say
" girly! You don't have to be scary all the time! You don't always have to put up a wall!" He says nudging me ...
" fine what do to suggest?" I say ...
" honestly girl I don't know ..."
" back to square one.." I say sighing ... i end up choosing this costume !!

And they end up choosing a purge costume

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And they end up choosing a purge costume ...

On Halloween

I get into my costume and head over to the office ... I see other people costumes ... There pretty good... Alexander is a dead librarian... which I definitely expected ... I see lafeyette pass by... he is a loaf of bread
" he really loves bread doesn't he?" I say to Matt
" yep..." we both laugh and head to our desk ... I clock in and then go bring Jefferson his coffee
" come in!" He says and when I open the door he jumps
" Shit! You scared me!" He says ... I break out laughing!
"hey it's not funny! " he says standing up
" yes it is!" I say laughing ... I hand him his coffee and head out ... then I hear Alexander over the intercom

" Attention everybody! The Halloween events have started! If you knock at any office door it will open! Let the fun begin!"

Me and Matt get up and start to go to each office ... first we head to lafeyettes
" Trick or treat!" We say holding out or bags
He drops us a loaf of bread ... we laugh and head to Lauren's office
" Trick or treat!" He gave us a lot of candy... then this just repeats with every office ! We get to Jefferson's

" trick or treat!" We say... he opens the door ... his costume is a zombie ... very basic
" you have such a boring costume.." I say yawning
" hey! Do you want candy?" He says laughing ... he gives us candy and we head back to our desk ... soon Alexander brings out a big TV and starts to play Halloween movies ... it was great ... we got payed to have fun! Soon everybody came out their office and started to watch the movies with us ... it was really fun! And then we got to have lunch! Which somebody had already bought ! The food was great! Nothing like I have ever had before ...
then Alexander came back over the intercom

The Halloween events have ended! We only have one more hour of work left so just keep busy until the end of the day!

Now we gotta work again... not too fun ... me and Matt finish working and I head home and wash off all the make up... I clean up and then do some printing ... I watch a little bit of TV and end up falling asleep on the couch ....

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now