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The next day I wake up to the smell of someone making breakfast...
" Goodmorning Y/N!" Jefferson says turning around
" Morin Jefferson..." I say slumping down in a chair .. I was so tired .. I barley slept last night...
" bon apite!" He says putting down the food ... we both eat and talk for a little
" hey you think you can come with me to my apartment?" I ask
" yea of course when did you need to go?" He asks
" before work.." I say getting up and washing the dishes
" well then let's go!" He says dragging me out the house
" but the dishes?" I say
" I can do them later!" He says.. I laugh and we walk to my apartment... I walk in and go change and then come back out to see Jefferson with his arms crossed
" why didn't you tell me you lived here?" He says pretty pissed
" it's not a big deal!" I say grabbing my bag
" not a big deal? You barely have any locks Y/N! The apartment is falling apart! You barely have any lights!" He says
" it's not something you have to worry about!" I say opening the door
" Y/N you can't live like this..." he says catching up to me
" I have been for years I'll be fine..." I say annoyed
" your abuser just came out of jail! I'm getting you a better apartment!" He says
" you really don't have to do that!" I say nudging him...
" wait I have a better idea! Since I'll be gone for a little you can stay at my place! And when I come back I can get you an apartment! Or you can stay with me mi amour" he says ... was he really flirting?
" really Jefferson... why would I want to stay with you!" I say laughing
" hey!" He says offended
" well I'm not letting you stay at your apartment!" He says with his arms crossed
" my god fine ..." I say ...
" yay!" He says ... wow he was so weird ... We stop at the Library so I can get Alexander his books... then we head to work and we part our ways ! I head to the break room and make Alexander his tea and blueberries... I head to my desk and do some work ... I see a girl walk into Jefferson's office ... then she goes to my old desk... she was wearing a inappropriate outfit... not even work like ... but I minded my business and did my work ... but she was really going for it.. she wanted Jefferson... when he walked out his office she would get up and shove her boobs in her face ... but he would always come talk to me which made her really mad.. she was always eyeing me...

A few days later

I went to the break room for some coffee and she started to follow me.. I knew something was about to go down so I start recording ... just in case anything happens.. I was in the break room when I saw Jefferson assistant walk in.. she has been flirting with him for the last days ...
" oh hey Y/N..." she says smirking
" hello.." I say rolling my eyes
" we need to talk.." she says sitting down
" I'm kinda working.." I say grabbing myself some coffee
" come on let's have a girl chat .. one on one.." she says ... she was up to something...
" no can do..." there was silence and then I get pinned to a wall
" okay listen here bitch! Thomas is mine! He doesn't like you! His all mine! And will never be with some ugly girl like you!" She says ... I laugh which gets her mad..
" why are you laughing!!" She says pinning me harder against the wall.. I push her off which gets her really mad..
" first of all in recording!" I say holding up my phone ... she try's to grab it but I just raise it higher ...
" second of all  he doesn't like being called Thomas he prefers Jefferson! And I see the coffee and bread you get him! It's not his favorite... but of course shouldn't you know because his yours? Right..." I laugh and walk out ... wow Matt was right ... everybody falls for him ... disgusting... maybe 30 minutes later I get called into Jefferson's office ... I see his assistant in tears with a black eye ...
" care to explain?" Jefferson says ..
" what?" I say sitting down ..
" why you beat up my assistant in the break room! She has the recording and all!" He says playing the recording... oh how fake it was ... it was literally off YouTube ...
" and you believe her Thomas?" I say..
" of course I believe her!" He says getting up .. she flashes a quick smirk while Jefferson isn't looking...
" don't believe anything she says!" The assistant says in between her fake tears ... I just start to laugh
" what's so funny Y/N?" He says.. he's getting mad
" that you would believe her  Thomas... anyways I'm done here .. if you don't mind I'll be showing myslef out!" I say getting up and leaving ... not even 10 minutes later Washington calls me into his office
" I heard you beat up one of your co workers! Which is not acceptable here!-" I cut him off ..
" listen to this.. I never touched her .. check the cameras if you don't believe me!" I say handing him the recording.. he checks the cameras and see the assistant punching herself ...
" oh I'm sorry I-" I cut him off again
" just didn't check for evidence!" I say getting up..
" now if you don't mind I'll be getting back to work!" I say going back to my desk .. Jefferson gets called into Washington's office and gets told the truth..
" look Y/N I'm-"
" look Thomas.. I'm not mad.. I'm just confused why you would belive someone you just met .. anyways please leave I need to work.." he does as told and goes back to work .. I see the assistant walk out the office with her mascara running down her cheeks.. must have gotten fired ... got what she deserved! I only laughed ...
" you are one cruel person!" She says on her way out
" thanks !" I say... Matt looks over and laughs with me.. we always had each other's backs...

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now