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Fat time skip

Ari is 15 btw

Ari knocked on my door ...
" come in!" I was folding laundry... she opens the door and walks in... she was messing with her hands which that's how I knew she was nervous ...
" hey mom... can I talk to you and dad?" She asks
" oh yea of course! THOMAS!" I scream... he comes running, he slide past the doorway
" what did I do? I'm so sorry!-" I walk over and kiss him ...
" you didn't do anything ... I just needed you to come here .. Ari wants to talk to us.." I say .. he lets out a breath and we pay all our attention to Ari..
" about that... I don't go by Ari anymore..." we gave her a confused look... she started to get overwhelmed ..
" hey .. hey.. what ever your gonna tell us it's gonna be fine.." I say hugging her.. we let her calm down and she starts to talk again ..
" please don't be mad... well um... I'm.... what I'm trying to say is .. I'm not a girl anymore .. I'm a boy... I'm transgender..." I pull him into a hug and Jefferson joins in to... she starts to cry ..
" oh hunny.. don't ever think that we're gonna be mad at you for coming out ... we love you no matter who you are .." I say kissing his forehead...
" thank you so much... my pronouns are now he/him and my name is Anthony " he says
" of course .. do you need anything ... binders? Different clothes? " Jefferson says
" well a binder would be nice ..." he says ..
" okay Anthony! What ever you need, please tell us !" I say ... Anthony walks out and I start to fold clothes again ... Jefferson gets his phone out and starts to order stuff ...

Another time skip ... Anthony is getting top surgery... ( basically removing the breasts!)

" okay well all the tests have been run so we will start the surgery right now ..." I give Anthony a kiss in the forehead and me and Jefferson leave .. I was so scared what was going to happen ... what if he didn't make it... I can't think like that..

4 hours later ...

The surgery was finally over .. we walk in and see Anthony sleeping ...
" the procedure went great!" The doctor says
" although there is one concern I have.." my mind starts to race ...
" maybe we should step out the room..." the doctor says ...Jefferson holds my hand and tells me that it's going to be okay ...
" okay when we did a blood test and dna test I was checking and nothing matched up with you guys .." the doctor says
" so what does that mean?" Jefferson's asks
" Anthony ... is not your child.."
My heart drops ...
" how..." Jefferson says.. I was felt a little better  that he was asking the questions... cause I could barely speak..
" well the only answer was he was switched at birth... that would explain the different hair colors ... skin tone ... eyes ..." the doctor explains ...
" so where and who  is our biological kid.." even if Anthony wasn't ours ... he was still our kid ....
" well that's what we're looking for ... we have on Camera a nurse walking out with you child... we identified her... by chance do you know who Olivia west is?" The doctor says ... I start to panic ... she stole our kid... that bitch!
" yea.. we have some bad history... do you know where to find her?" I say... my voice shaking with every word ..
" yes! We tracked her... she leaves not to far atucally ... but there is one problem...  you child  is ... dead.." I burst out crying ... Jefferson kisses my head
" can you give us a moment?" Jefferson asks... the doctor nods and walks back into Anthony's room...
" there d-dead..." I say crying into Jefferson's jacket ..
" shh... it's okay... at least there in a better place now..." Jefferson says trying to reassure me... but it wasn't working ... my child ... dead.. and I never even got to meet them... fucking Olivia!
" can you call back the doctor ..." I say wiping my tears .. the doctor comes back ..
" h-how... did they d-die?" I say... I didn't want to know .. but I did ...
" suicide ..." the doctor says .. I start to cry even more ... but the doctor continues to talk
" Olivia was an abuser ... she abuser them ... there name was Athena... I'm so sorry for you loss..." the doctor says getting up...
" mom? Dad?" I hear Anthony say.. i quickly wipe my tears and me and Jefferson walk in ..
" how do you feel?" I ask
" yea... look!" He runs his hand down his chest ..
"Look I'm flat!" They were so happy..
" okay well don't move to much.. you need to rest.." Jefferson says
"I'll go get you some food and other things ... love ya.."I say kissing his forehead ... but really I went out to get some air ... I couldn't believe it .. my child was dead... and I never got to meet them... or tell them I loved them... I couldn't go back empty handed so I got Anthony a grilled cheese and tomato soup.. I come back after a nice walk... to gather my thoughts ... I also heard the Olivia was back in jail ... good thing... she's a fucking bitch ...
" awww thank you mom!" He says eating it up...
" also look what I have!" Jefferson says pulling out a monster..
" and it's my favorite flavor!" Anthony says ... he was so happy...
" okay now you eat up.. me and your father are gonna go on a little walk.." I say grabbing Jefferson hand ... we walk out to the park ...
" are you sure .. your gonna be okay.." Jefferson asks me..
" yea.. well no.. I just can't believe that we had another child.. that we didn't know of.." I say..
" hey look... it's Gonna be fine.. Olivia is in jail... and Athena is in a better place.. there was nothing we could do..." Jefferson says ...
" I just wanted to meet them.." Jefferson pulls me into a kiss ... I calm down ....

So basically they just live there rest of there lifes ... Um yea I guess idk.. I might make a little follow up chapter but if not.. this the end! Bye bye! Also please give me new book ideas!! I need them!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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