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Back story A/N ...
Y/N was born in a poor family in Mexico .... her family made barely enough to support her and her brothers and sisters.... her father owned a farm and her mom worked at the market to try to get some extra money ... but her parents always wanted to move over to America so that their kids would have a better life ... one day her parents found out that they could send their kids over ... and they did just that .... Y/N left her home at 9.... he father and mother walked her over to a river that would send her to the desert .... she was carried through the river and her father followed... but her mother couldn't ... she had kids to care for ... her father walked her and her sisters through the desert for hours ... they were getting thirsty so her father dug a hole and kept the kids in there while he went to go find water ... but sadly the kids and father were found by the police ... and were taken to the border .... they were supposed to go back to Mexico but the stayed in America... and hid from the police .... but then they got help by some people and were able to get a residence pass ... and soon they became citizens... life was looking up for them... soon they were also reignited with their mother and other siblings .... they lived in California... Y/N was deticated to make a better life for herself .... she wanted to prove she was something .... and she was not gonna let anyone get in her way .... she attended protest for what was right .... and fought for many rights .... she was going on a good path but in high school she found this boy .... that was trouble .... he was abusive but she didn't see that... she thought that was normal .... I'll spare the details but I'll show some of the things he did...


I came home from work and went to the bedroom... I heard some moaning coming through the door.... was he? No he was loyal.... I open the door and see him with another girl ... he sees me and rushes over to me ...
" babe! Look at our new toy!" He said picking her up.... you can tell the girl was enjoying herself ...
" come on join us!" He said taking off my clothes..
" I don't-" he cuts me off...
" I said join us!" He says slamming our lips together .... I knew if I didn't say yes he would hit me.... so I just went with it..... like every other time....


I came home one day and saw him looking through my wallet....
"What are you doing?" I say ... he turned around and he was clearly high...
" I need money for some drugs!" He says throwing a bottle at me ... glass shard went into my neck ...he was addicted to drugs... and I didn't know how to stop him .....


One day he came home really late ... and when he walked into the room he dragged me by my hair into the bathroom and proceeded to hold my head under water while laughing .... he was clearly on drugs.... I was so scared to leave ... I didn't know what he would do .... but one day it became really bad ....


He came home with another guy .... and they both proceeded to rape me .... and beat me ... And at night I walked out he house and to help ... everything hurt .... they got arrested.... I was taken to the hospital and told that I could never have baby's .... well at least me ... I could I've my egg to another women And she could have it but not me ... it hurt ... I wanted kids .... I wanted a family


Since I went through all that abuse ... I toughened up ... And didn't let it bother me .... I lived life to the fullest but I was still cautious.... in case he got out of jail.... occasionally I would have a breakdown or get trigged but not a lot ... I looked fine And seemed fine but inside... I wasent ... but I just blocked it out and went on with life ...

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now