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Jefferson POV

When I'm wake up I look around .... it was and old factory... I was chained to a pole.... but nothing hurt.... I didn't see anybody... and it stayed like that until I hear a voice... it wasn't who I heard over the intercom... it was different...
" well... well... well... decided to wake up huh?" The voice said ... I knew that voice... it was my old assistant.... the one who lied about Y/N beating her... Olivia ....
" I see you got my fake legal papers ... sadly Y/N was to smart... what a waste! Always getting in my way...." then she walks out from the shadows ...
" where's the other person? The one with the deep voice ...." I say looking around ...
" oh like this?" She says putting a voice changer to her throat ...
" why are you doing this?" I say my voice cracking from fear and anger ...
" why... why? Because so love you! And you love me to!" She says walking closer ...
" I do not love you!" I say...
" do you wanna say that again..." she says choking me... I could barely form any words...
" you little Y/N life is at risk..." she shows me her phone.... and it's Y/N.... it's live... she has been watching her the whole time... everything started to make sense ...
" don't touch her!" She says letting go of my throat ...
" okay glad we're on the same page! I don't really wanna hurt Y/N... you know she's kinda cute.. might have to steal her from you..." she says looking at Y/N through the phone ...
" what do you want...." I spit out ...
" well isn't it obvious? You..." she says laughing like a crazy person ... well I mean she is....
" well I'm sorry your not gonna get that... I belong to Y/N... and Y/N only...." I say laughing... this girl thinks I'm gonna leave Y/N for her? Yea right ...
" oh okay... well then... I guess Y/N is gone..." she says turning away... I saw her messing with her phone... did she plant something around the house... bombs?
" Wait!" I say trying to jump towards her only to burn my wrist from the ties ...
" I knew you'd come around ... " she says touching my face... I try to turn away but she just grabs my face ...
" so what are you going to do? Or rather have me do..." I say and she lets go of my face ....
" hmm... well I was thinking ... maybe a kiss... you breaking up with Y/N... live out our lifes together?" She says... the girl really is crazy....
" well first of all I'm not breaking up with Y/N!"
I say..
" wow still fighting .... after knowing that I have bombs planted ... yea I know you know.... you don't think I'm dumb do you? One push of a button... and boom she's gone! Dead! Brains blown out! 6 ft under! Do I need to go on?" She says ....
" no... just tell me what I need to do.. and I'll do it... just please don't touch her!" I say..
" PERFECT! Okay let's take a photo and send it to Y/N?" She says ... she drags me to a normal looking wall and she takes a photo of us kissing ...
" okay now let's send this to Y/N!" She says....
" wait!" I say....
" really again?" She says annoyed
" please give her time... don't do this already ..." I say...
" UGH!!!! Not fair!!" She says throwing a tantrum like a child .... she storms off.... she stays out of my sight for about 7 hours ... then she comes back with food
" just the bare minimum! You know just so you won't die..." she says trying to feed me.. but I turn away ...
" really!" She says throwing the food on the floor and walking away.... i was gonna starve before I eat her food ... I stay tied up... and this goes on for days .... repeat ... over and over again ....
" okay look I'm being nice right now! Trying to feed you food and not kill Y/N... but I'm done... it's either you or her... either way someone is going to die today..." that made my heart stop ... Y/N or Me.... of course it's going to be me.... I would never take part in killing Y/N... never ...
" me..." I say lowering my head....
" well that's no fun... but fine! " she says untieing me and throwing me to the ground .... she points a gun to my head ... then loads it...
" ready? 1... 2-" I cut her off ....

" wait! Can I call her just one last time... I mean it shouldn't matter right? Because your gonna Kill me anyways ..." I say holding my hands up...
" okay fine..." she fell right into my trap... me and Y/N always had a safe word for anything .... it's was streetlight.... and I needed to say more than just that .. I saw a number on the factory door... 21... when I was looking around I saw a box that said chump street.... that's a company! A musical company! ( A/N I know it's not a actual company but just go with it!) Olivia calls up Y/N...
" hello?" She answers ... then she turns the camera to me..
" JEFFERSON!" She  screams
" hi Y/N... I wanted to say that I'm gonna miss you... and I love you so much.... also remember that one night under the streetlight on 21 chump street.... and it was snowing... and that was our first kiss..." I say... but in reality this never happened... and Y/N knew that ... I saw her grab a peice of paper... but luckily Olivia didn't know what was going on...
" yea... it was like from a Disney movie ..." she says ... trying to waste time ...
" hurry up!" Olivia says ...
" okay Y/N I just wanted to call you! I love you so much!" I say.. then Olivia hangs up....
" ugh now I have to use the bathroom!" She says storming off.. I knew this was the chance .. if someone was going to come safe me .. it was going to be now....


Ten minutes went by... then the factory door slams open... it was the police...
" drop you weapons and put your hands up!" They scream.. they all scatter searching for Olivia... Olivia walks out and grabs Jefferson ..
" you bitch!" She says choking him .. she grabs him and drags him ... but before she got the chance to hide the police caught her ...
" put your weapons down!" They say pointing there guns at her ...
" you caught me!" She says dropping Jefferson ... then she puts her foot on Jefferson's back and points the gun at his head ...
" I'm not going down without a fight .... if I die he does too..." she says ... everyone is planning there next move ... how to disarm Olivia.... a cop sneaks up behind Olivia and does a swift move to disarm her... Jefferson runs over to one of the police and they walk him out to a car... where Y/N was waiting for him ...
" Jefferson!" She says grabbing his face and kissing him ...
" are you okay?" She says patting him down ...
" a little scarred but I'm fine..." he says kissing her again... the police search their house and take down all their cameras....

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now