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1 month has passed ...

Everytime I see Angelica and Jefferson they are always whispering....  and acting werid when I'm around them... Thomas always acts werid around Angelica... is he hiding something ? I try it put it aside ... Jefferson would never lie to me ... he would never keep a secret... I just have to stop thinking about it ... I'm over thinking ... I've gotten closer to The Schuyler sisters! There actually pretty fun! I've asked about Eliza and Alexander... and they finally told me what happened! There still on good terms ....


Eliza POV
She just found the love letters to John!!!

I was rereading the letters he wrote ... I was searching and scanning for answers in every line for some kind of sign of when he was mine ..... I never wanted to put him in a marriage that he didn't even love .... I wanted him to be happy .... and if that meant getting a divorce... I'm completely okay with that! I understand why he didn't want to tell me ... this world is a scary place ... especially for LGBTQIA+ people .... people just can't understand it doesn't matter who another person loves ... I want Alexander to feel at home.. that he can trust me.... so when he came home I calmly approached him ... I didn't want to out him if he wasent ready ...
" Alexander ..." I say...
" I have to go.." he says putting on his coat
" Alexander!" I say grabbing his arm
" I have to go..." he says pulling his arm
" we need to talk.. please ..." I say sitting down
" about what?" He says sitting down and holding my hand ..
" I know..." I say looking up at him ... he was confused
" you know what?" He says getting up... he was scared .. and I understand ..
" about you and John..." I sha also getting up ..
" how?" He says ..
" You are  paranoid in every paragraph how they perceive you! Also really .. your letters aren't very PG-13.." I say laughing
" please don't tell anyone!" He begs me..
" Alexander.. I would never ... I'm just a little upset you lied to me .." I say rubbing his hand ...
" I know I was just scared that you out me to everyone..." he says looking away and hiding her tears
" I would never ... it's your choice ... and I don't want to take that from you ..." he lets go a sigh .. it seems like he was holding it in for a long time ...
" thank you so much Eliza... I'm going to see John.." he says kissing on the cheek ... he leaves ... I hope he feels better knowing he doesn't have to lie to me ..

Back to Y/N

" that's really it ... then when he was comfortable he came out and we got a divorce... then we were both happy ..." she says
" I'm glad he doesn't have to hide anymore ...luckily my coming out story was never like that.." I say brushing my hand through my hair
" wait your part of the LGBTQ+ community?" All the girls say at the same time .. they do that a lot ...
" yea! Im pansexual! It's not really a big of a deal.." I say shrugging my shoulders
" yea your right ! That's pretty cool! I'm still figuring out what I am.." Peggy says
" well there's no rush! Some people don't even define their sexuality! They just go with the flow!" I say holding Peggys hand ... she nods and then we all head over to the mall and do a little shopping .. I don't but much expect for some food! I was hungry okay!
" can I have a bite?" Eliza says
" no!" I say turning away .. she starts to laugh and try to grab my food
" get your own!" I say running away from her in the parking lot ..
" but we already left!" She says running after me
" ugh fine you can have one bite!" I say handing her the food
" yay!" She says taking two bites
" I said one!" I say grabbing the food back, we all laugh and head to their home ... we just have a sleepover, I kind a needed time away from Jefferson.. he is always so tense and when I sneak up in him .. he always jumps .. that's not like Jefferson... I decide that I need to talk to Angelica .. she would know what's going on ...
" hey Angelica can I speak to you privately..." I say tugging at her arm ..
" yea of course?" She says getting up confused ... we walk out to the front porch ...
" what did you want to talk about?" She says sitting down in the swing ..
" it's about Jefferson... it seems like his hiding something..." I say sitting down to...
" what?" She says trying not to be suspicious..
" okay now I know something is up! You always have something to say about him..." I say playfully punching her shoulder
" okay you got me... but he said he would tell you... last month..." she says ... what was he going to tell me .... and why hasn't  he ...
" okay and what is it?" I say... why couldn't she just tell me ...
" Y/N I don't think it's my place to tell you.. although I would love to ruin Jefferson's life .. I would also be ruining yours ... and I don't want you to be mad at me..." she says ...
" okay.." I say getting up.. I'm kinda pissed that Angelica wouldn't tell me... but I just slept on it ... when I got home I started to search around the house.. maybe to find something .... that Jefferson was hiding ... but I couldn't find anything .. and time was running up .... Jefferson would be home anytime now ...
" Y/N I'm home!" I quickly close the draw and head over to Jefferson...
" hey Jefferson..." I say sitting on a bar stool ...
" where's my hug and kiss?" He says opening his arms
" in the past!" I laugh ...
" wow okay rude!" He says taking off his jacket ...
" really mi amour ... what's wrong?" He says sitting down next to me ... I don't know if I want to say something already ... but if I don't ... when will he tell me...
" we need to talk.." I say..
" of course!" He says coming to kiss me.. but I trun away.. he was shocked ...
" so was there something you needed to tell me?" I say... he started to stutter ...
" W-what.. d-do you m-m-meean?" He says trying to play it cool ...
" Thomas there is two ways this can go... pick ... now!" I say... I wasn't having this ... he keeps on lying and lying ... and I was done with it...

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now