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We head back to his house and go to bed ... the next morning I wake up and make some breakfast.... then I go and wake up Jefferson

" Wakey wakey!" I say shaking him...
" mom go away..." he says turning over .. and covering his ears ...
" Bitch i am not your mom!" I say slappping him on the head..
" hey!" He says getting up ..
" well you weren't getting up and called me mom!" I say walking out his room .. soon he follows
" I made food so you might want to hurry up and eat it before I eat it!" I say handing him his food ...
" okay! Okay!" He says eating the food ... I laugh and we both go to the breakfast table and eat...
" so about last night ..." I say
" I know I know I shouldn't-" I cut him off
" I'm not mad .. I'm just wondering what we are.." i say messing with my food
" Well.. I mean I love you... and you said you love me so.." he says ... god he is slow
" Jesus Christ your slow! Will you be my boyfriend !!" I say punching him in the arm ...
" again I should be telling you ... but yes I would love to!" He says giving me a kiss ..
" well I'm sorry baby boy!" I say laughing... he grabs my dish and he goes wash them while I head back to the guest room and change ... we head to work .. pretty boring now that I'm just a manager ... so I just sit in Jefferson's office for the most ...
" I'm boredddd" I say throwing pens at him ...
" I'm trying to work.." he says throwing pens back at me ...
" I can tell... anyways ... what's your favorite color!" He sighs and stops what he's doing ... we just  continue to ask each other questions until the end of our shifts ...
" Jesus Christ Y/N I can't get any work done with you around .." he says pulling into his house ...
" well now you gotta spend your whole life with me .. and if not I'll make your life hell..." I say laughing like a psychopath...
" okay note to self never leave you .."  he says opening the door ... I take out some stuff to make some brownies ..
" whatcha doin?" He says leaning over the counter
" making brownies ..." I say putting some batter on his nose ...
" hey!" He says putting more batter on my face ..
" FOOD WARS!" I say throwing a peice of butter at him ... we continue to throw foods at each other ... I grab his face
" there better!" I say kissing him ...
" hmm... I don't think that's enough.." he says putting me ontop of the counter ..
" ohh...." I say ..
" do you want to do this?" He says kissing my neck ...
" oh god yes..." I say switching positions.. now I'm on top of him ... well I'm not gonna say the rest... but let's just say Jefferson isn't so big and buff in the bed ....
" okay well now I get to take care of you!" He says picking me up bridal style and carrying to the tub... he starts to fill it up..
" okay when it's almost full call me!" He says running over to the kitchen ... he grabs a drink and then heads back, it's champagne
" cheers!" He says handing me a drink .. I laugh and take a sip .. he starts to clean me off .. it felt so good and relaxing .. after the bath he put lotion on me and helped me get dressed .. then we cuddled and talked
" how would our wedding look .." I say playing with his hair ..
" wow we just go together!" He says laughing ...
" okay and? I've known you for a long time ... And I could tell you liked me..." I say laughing ..
" was it that obvious?" He says..
" of course .. you starring every time I got out the shower and when I was behind the curtain .. bitch I could tell.." I say laughing ...
" what! And you didn't ask me sooner!" He says turning over ..
" really? I wasent gonna just say on my first day hey I love you! I'm not that Straight forward.. and to be honest I'm not straight!" I say pulling him close ...
" wait what?" He says turning back around ..
" I'm Pansexual.. I never told you that? Well does it matter?" I say.. what if he said yes... that it was a deal breaker ...
" of course not Mi Amor..." he says pulling me into a kiss... I hug him and put my head on his chest ... we end up falling asleep like this .. The next morning he helps me to the couch and gives me some yogurt while he makes some food ...
" your lucky it's the weekend!" I say ... I'm hinting how he waddles where ever he walks .. yet he still says he has to carry me ... so he can be a man!
" wow real funny.." he says handing me some avacado toast ..
" well I mean it is.. look at yourself ... and all by just little Ole me..." I say laughing .. he sits down and turns on the Tv.. we watch the Office ... He requested it.. I get up and wash the dishes
" okay now you need to rest!" I say.. I carry him to the bath and clean him up ..
" how did you carry me?" He says while I message his back..
" your not that heavy .." I say pouring water on his hair .. I wash his hair and then let him rest a little ... when I come back I see him sleeping ..  he looks so peaceful when his sleeping .... I drain the water and carry him back to bed ... I kiss his forehead and tuck him in ... he sleeps a lot for just waking up .. I make his favorite food  and go to wake him up ...
" wake up my beautiful boy.." I say kissing him ..
" I fucking love you .." he says getting up .. I sit down the food and  he starts to eat ...
" do you need anything else my love?" I say running me fingers through his hair ..
"Just keep doing that.." he says throwing his head back ... and I do just that ... we stay like that for a while until Jefferson gets a call...
" oh shit.. it's Washington.." he says getting up... he leaves the room and then comes back...
" it was nothing much.. he just wanted to say I'm getting a raise !" He says hopping back in bed ..

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now