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Time skip to Friday

I head to work but before I get Jefferson's coffee and bread... I even get bread for lafeyette so I have a good impression! I stop by the library and get a book for Alexander... I don't know what to get for Lauren's yet ... maybe a pride flag? After all he is gay .... when I get to work I drop off my bags at my desk and give Jefferson his bread and coffee
" thank you! Did you get yourself anything?" He asks
" no.." I say turning around to go out
" did you eat this morning?" He asks
" why do you care?" I say turning around
" well you said I'm like all the other men till proven wrong so I'm proving wrong!" He says taking a sip of his coffee
" I did say that... well then no I didn't ..." I say in response
" well you gotta eat!" He says breaking a peice of his bread and handing it to me ... I take it just to be polite and walk out ... it did feel good to eat... I grab the book and head over to Alexander... I knock on his office door ..
" come in!" I walk in and see him focused on his work ...
" oh hello Y/N! Did you need something?" He says looking up ...
" no but I just stopped by to give you this book..." I say handing him the book... his eyes light up ..
" I have been looking for the this book for ages!!! Thank you so much Y/N!" He says getting up and hugging me ... it was a little awkward because I didn't know it was coming. But I hug him back ... I head back to my desk and grab the bread ... I ask Matt where is lafeyette office
" oh it's down the hall to the right! You'll see his office ..." he says laughing .. I wonder what he met until I saw his office ... he has a big bread decal on his door ... I knock on his door ...
" entrez!" He says ... I took a little French in school so I know the basics ... I think he meant come in?
" hello I'm Y/N L/N and I just wanted to bring you this bread!" I say handing him the bread
" thank you! I was low on bread!" He says grabbing the bread and already eating it ... I laugh and walk out ... I walk out and see Jefferson  standing there with his arms crossed
" where have you been? I've been calling you!" He says waving his phone
" really Jefferson? What do you want?" I say rolling my eyes
" well um... nothing .." I walk pass him and walk back to my desk ... I see a note it's from Alexander...

My dearest , Y/N thank you for the book! I would like to invite you over to my house for some food and we can talk about the book! I see you made a little note inside saying that this is your favorite book too! I'm glad we met!
        - Alexander Hamilton

Nice! I do my work and me and Matt talk ... then Jefferson calls me in

" need something sir?" I ask ...
" yes! Um.... well I was wondering if you would like to have dinner .. not just with me ! With everybody!" He says
" well I've only been for a week so I rather not ..." I say ... anyways I was gonna go dancing tonight with Matt
" oh okay.. that's fine! I just wanted to ask!" He says ... I guess he was proving wrong ... I continue to work till the end of the day ... I head home and get dressed to go dance ... I pick up Matt and we go to a Mexican club ... I teach him how to do the salsa ! He was loving it
" wow your a natural!" I say spinning him
" really? God this is a work out!" He says
" yea it is but it is so fun!" I say dipping him ! we continue to dance and then me and him head back to my apartment
" girl you barely have a lock on your door!" He says
" yea I know my ex broke it..." I say cleaning up
" don't tell Jefferson about this! He would buy you a whole new apartment!" Matt says laughing
" I highly doubt that!" I say pouring us a glass of wine
" would not be the first time! I've been working for 5 years! He ha a bought 3 apartments in the space of 5 years!!" Matt says drinking the wine up ... we continue to talk and Matt heads home ... I take a little bubble bath and think about what Matt said ... would he? And why did I turn down his dinner request! I'm so dumb! Wait do I like him? No ... do I? I get dressed and head to bed ... The next day I head over to Alexander's house ...
When I get there I knock on his door
" hey ale-" I get cut off by him pulling me in and quickly closing the door
" did anyone see you?" He says
" no why?" I ask
" if Jefferson knows your here his gonna kill me!" Alex says sitting down
" what is it between you and Jefferson?" I ask
" my god is it a lot! But let's not talk about that! Let's talk about this book!" Alex says handing me a cup of tea ... we continue to talk and when I walk out I see Jefferson standing there
" oh shit... Alex I'm sorry!" I say ... Alex sighs
" it's fine Y/N it wasent your fault..." Alex says going back inside
" Y/N what the fuck do you think your doing?" He says grabbing my arm .. I pull away
" don't touch me! Also we were talking about a book! So get off your high horse Thomas!" I say walking away ... he seemed upset ... I guess he didn't like being called Thomas .... I get in my car and drive to the park where I do a little reading ... it was nice outside ... I walk and see Jefferson ...
" Look Y/N I'm-" I cut him off
" Thomas I'm not with you and I highly doubt I will ever be! I was simply hanging out with Alexander and talking about a book!" I say... it kinda hurt ... and he seemed hurt too..
" oh I didn't know you felt like that..." he says walking away ... I wanted to tell him how I felt right there and then ... but I couldn't...  how do I make it up to him .... velvet! He likes velvet stuff.... pants? Shirts ? I go to the tailors to maybe have them make something for Jefferson ...
" hi do you have anything velvet or can make anything velvet?" I ask
" hey aren't you Y/N? I'm Hercules mulligan!" He says shaking my hand .. god he was strong ...
" in that case yes! I have the perfect thing !!" He says turning around and going off to a room ... when he comes back I see him holding a suit ...
" and what size would it need to be tailored in?" He asks
" do you know Thomas Jefferson?" I ask
" yea his a jerk ... why?" He asks
" well I kinda yelled at him ... a lot ... and now I feel bad ...." I say
" oh... yea I know his sizes... it will be done on Monday!" He says putting the suit on a rack...
" that will be 509 hundred dollars!" He says ringing it up ... god it was expensive... I hand him the money on cash and head out ... there goes my extra expense money... I head home and just chill for the rest of the day ...

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now