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" okay fine I am hiding something!" He says ...
" I knew it!" I say tapping his chest .. I couldn't believe he was hiding something from me!
" okay let me just tell you... well while I was in Virginia.... I met this girl... and well... we kinda slept together ... multiple times... and well... she has a kid now.." he says.. my heart stops ...
" A k-kid..." I say.. my face flushes white ...
" Y/N look I didn't know I was drunk-" I cut him off.. he didn't deserve to talk ...
" okay but it's the fact you didn't tell me! Wether we are together or not I should know!" I say pacing in circles ... he tries to grab my arm but I just pull it away ...
" looI Y/N  I'm sorry... but I really need help right now.. I don't know what to do.. I have a kid? I'm not ready! " he has sitting down and resting his head in his hand ...
" okay look I'm still fucking mad at you but you need comforting! But this is not over!" I say sitting down .. he lets out a laugh ..
" I know this is not what you expected .. but you did have unsafe sex .... and you can't just not be present in the child's life ... the child needs you.... I'll be with you no matter what..." I say holding his hand ... he looks up at me..
" thank you Y/N...." he says kissing my cheek ..
" okay I'm not to mad anymore but next time if anything happens please tell me.. don't keep anything from me ...." I say ...
" I will... also there won't be a next time..." I give him a kiss and head to the kitchen for a snack .... a kid.... with who? I can't believe it... I'm gonna have a child in my life that isn't even mine .... but I'm still gone love it no matter what ... after all it is still Jefferson's... and I love Jefferson....

A few days later

Jefferson just got a call from the police that the mother tried to kill the little baby boy.... she tried to drown him... luckily the grandma walked in before the baby was dead... there was no harm to the baby but the mom is in jail ( duh) and well Jefferson is the father so... the baby is going to come live with us... never have I thought that my first kid wouldn't be mine....

" hey baby are you sure you are okay?" I say hugging him from behind

" yea... just a little scared ... you know.... cause I've never had a kid before ..." he says... I know I'll never understand what he is going through but I want to be there for him ....

" I'm sure your gonna be a great father .... the cops are gonna do a DNA test on the baby just to make sure she didn't kidnap it or anything ..." I say..

" yea..." he says kissing me..

" okay let's take your mind of that for the meantime and watch a little tv?" I say leading him to the couch... we chill on the couch until we get a phone call from the police ...  Jefferson puts it on speaker ...

Bold - police
Normal - Jefferson

" hello is this Thomas

" yes this is he.."

" well I can to inform you about the child.. you know how we did a blood test?

" yes to make sure she didn't kidnap the child..."

" well.. turns out it's not your child.. it is another mans...."

" wait really?"

" yes but there is a catch... if we cannot find a home for this baby will you be willing to take it in?"

" of course ..."

That's where the call ends .. we were shocked .. but it made sense.... because Angelica told me Emily was sleeping with other men... so she could have thought the baby was Jefferson's but really it was another mans .... I feel weight getting lift of my shoulders ... I wasent ready to raise a kid ... but then again we still might have to.. and if that does come I will love the child no matter what.. because they didn't do anything wrong ...

" wow..." Jefferson says ... he was also still in shock ..
" I was not ready for a kid..." we both say .. we laugh...  then he turns to me
" would you ever like to have kids in the future " he asks
" of course! I mean a little me or you! That would be amazing!" I say .. his face lights up
" and we can dress them up! And make cute little lunches for them!!"he says
" yesss! And they can match and we can take family photos !! Or i can show them some of my culture!!!" I say
" when there baby's and there tiny toes! First steps and words!" We keep on going on... at least we both agreed that we wanted kids... but maybe ... some that are actually mine ....
" okay I need to make dinner!" He says getting up... I go take a shower while he makes the food ...
" FOODS READY!!" He screams .. I walk out in one of his shirts and some shorts
" here you go mi amour !" He says handing me a plate of pasta ...
" so.... back to my anger .." I say and we both laugh ...
" How the fuck did you think you could hide a whole child from me?" I say ...
" well I didnt think that far... I knew I made a mistake.... and I loved you..... and I knew if I told you .... you would leave me..." he says playing with his food ... I go an his hand ...
" hey look at me... I would never leave you.... just please promise me.... that next time anything happens big or small... you tell me ..." he sighs
" of course I will tell you..." he says kissing my hand ... we continue to eat our food and talk.. Jefferson heads out to the office and I stay home ... it wasn't too late but late enough that I would fall asleep at the office ...

A/N sorry for the kinda short chapter .... what do you think is gonna happen to Jefferson? Nothing? Idk....

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now