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(None of these characters, except Josephine, belong to me. They belong to JK Rowling. This is merely all for fun, and is just a story stemmed from my imagination.)


josephine lupin-black

My slippered feet stomped down the carpeted stairs as I came to a halt at the rail, almost running into someone. "Merlin, I'm so sorry-" I stammered out quickly, looking up. My green eyes met with a ginger boy, a little over 6 feet tall, his hazel eyes staring back into mine intently.

"Who are you-?" he began, sitting his trunk down on the floor.

My dad came around the corner, rolling his eyes. "This would be Josephine. My daughter." He looked tired, and worn out, which was the truth. Remus had been through a lot these past few years.

I rolled my eyes at him, his scratches gleaming on his face. "Hi," I stuck my hand out to the red-haired boy, "I'm Joey. And you are...?"

"Fred Weasley." He took my hand, shaking it firmly. "The rest of my family will be here in a moment. I didn't know Lupin had a daughter."

"Oh, please," Sirius said rounding the corner, smelling as though he had just taken a shower, water droplets gleaming against the dark curls on his head. "Our daughter is quite the character."

"Just talk about me like I'm not here, why don't you?" I asked, crossing my arms over my black robe.

Fred glanced between Sirius, Remus, and I, confused, the room engulfed in silence. Soon after, the front door swung open and in walked a whole band of a ginger family, and a single brown haired girl.

I looked over at them and smiled sweetly. "You must be the rest of Freddie's family, I'm guessing?"

A boy who looked identical to Fred laughed, despite the scar that was imbedded into the bridge of Fred's nose. "What gave us away? The hair?"

I chuckled slightly with the others, eyes traveling over their faces and clothing, noticing I was the only one not dressed. "Well, seeing as I am the only one in pajamas I will be back in a quick moment." I turned on my heel and started up the stairs, but a hand gripped my wrist. I looked back and Remus was gripping my wrist tightly.

"Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George, follow Josephine up the stairs. She'll show you to your rooms. Arthur, Molly, please come with us to the kitchen. The Order is here."

The kids picked up their bags and I grabbed a tattered leather trunk for them obediently, before leading them up the stairs. I stopped in the hallway. "Alright, I can fit Hermione and Ginny in this room," I said, pointing into Walburga and Orion's old room. "Ron, I'll put you in this room with the guest bed as well, and Fred and George can take Regulus's old room next to mine." They walked into the individual rooms and I walked into the twins's room, sitting down one of the suitcases. "I will be back in just a moment," I stated as I headed out the door. "I'm just next to you. There's actually a secret passage through that wardrobe that leads to my room." I pointed at the dark wood wardrobe on the left wall, fancy engravings in the sides.

I walked out and rounded the corner where my room sat, parallel to the twins's. I opened my door to my room to see the two boys poking around all my things and looking at my pictures. I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly. "Seriously? Out! I have to change!"

They groaned in unison, ducking back into the wardrobe and shutting the door behind them as I headed over to my closet, tugging out my outfit for the day. I untied and shrugged off my black robe, tugging off my pajama pants and shirt. I quickly stepped into my skirt and jumped to pull the waistband up over my thighs. I pulled an old tattered Quidditch jersey on over my head, securing my hair back hastily with a hair tie. I opened my door and walked out into the hallway where I caught the two girls walking to the stairs.

Hermione turned to look at me and waved for me to come join the two, myself quickly walking over, my feet falling into their pace. "I didn't know Lupin and Sirius had a daughter," Hermione smiled.

I scoffed. "They won't let me out of the house."

Ginny laughed. "Well, how old are you?"

"I would be in my sixth year at Hogwarts."

"So you're two years older than me, one older than Hermione and Ron, and one year younger
than the twins."

I shrugged. "I guess so."

We swiftly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where everybody else sat around the dark wood table, matching with the wardrobe in Regulus's room. I walked over next to the counter where Molly was making breakfast for everyone, leaning over on my elbows, feeling the cool marble under my skin.

"Is there anything I can help with?" I asked.

"Well..." Molly trailed off, her face showing she didn't want to put me to work the first day she met me.

I laughed slightly. "My two oafs of fathers don't know how to cook for themselves, so I'd be glad to help."

She smiled at me. "Alright. Can you scramble the eggs?"

"Of course, Mrs. Weasley."

"Oh, please, dear. Call me Molly."

I smiled and pushed myself up off of the counter, walking over to the eggs. I turned on the stovetop, sitting the skillet on the burner before cracking several eggs in a bowl and adding pepper to them as I grabbed a spoon and beat them. They sizzled as they met the heat of the skillet. Soon, the smell of bacon, sausage, toast, pancakes, and eggs filled the room, and laughter amongst the Weasleys reached my ears.

I fixed myself a plate and sat down next to Sirius, his hand reaching up and ruffling my hair and I groaned. "Are you serious?!" I asked, smoothing out my hair.

He smirked. "That is my name."

I rolled my eyes as the table laughed, the twins giving high-fives to my father. "That was a horrible dad joke, dad."

We ate together, the best food I had had in a long time, talking away before Molly, Ginny, and I began to clear the table as Ron and George scrubbed the dishes.

"So," Remus began, prompting my head to turn and look at him as I gathered dishes in my hands. "We talked to the Order, and we believe that it's finally time you go to Hogwarts."

"Really?!" I asked excitedly, stopping my walk from the table to the sink to turn to him. My fathers nodded and I set the dishes doing quickly before I ran over to them, throwing my arms around them and pulling them in tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

When I let them go Fred and George looked up at me, confusion lighting in their matching hazel eyes.

"Why wouldn't you be able to go?" George asked.

I shook my head and picked the dishes back up, heading over to the sink as I waited for one of my dads to answer.

"Well, it's something to do with how she was adopted," Remus spoke up after a long moment of silence.

Sirius nodded as I sat down the dishes next to the sink. "We adopted her the year before Lily and James were murdered, but we were told something odd about her. Something no one would have ever expected."

"She certainly doesn't seem odd to me," Arthur muttered. "I mean, more odd than a child of the Marauders, I'd say."

The table chuckled before Remus spoke out again. "She is the daughter of a fling between a witch and a wizard."

The room was engulfed with silence as I pushed myself up onto the marble countertop, leaning back on my hands as I crossed my feet.

"I'm the daughter of a one-night fling between Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus Snape."

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