Chapter 7

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Amity decided to go not to her home but to Lilith's house, she needed to ask her what she should do? Before, Amity hasn't really been taking the vampire's attack seriously since she hasn't seen or heard anything but with what happened to Luz she is now scared to walk at night. Before she left Willow's home, Amity cast light orb, she was now walking to Lilith's house all alone and it was irrely quiet tonight, as there was not even a single soul outside aside from her; any noise she heard made her jump. Gus and Willow were already home, so Amity wasn't worried about them. Soon enough Amity reaches her mentor's home, as soon as she knocks on the door, she turns around to ensure nothing sneaks up and waits for Lilith to open up. Few minutes go by and Lilith opens the door.

"Amity? What are you doing outside this late? I thought I told you to not go outside past 5:30 p.m."

"Yes, I know but I had to give Luz her homework and lecture notes I made for her"

"Anyway, come inside I will call your parents telling them that you are here and not to worry," Lilith said while letting Amity inside.

As if, last time I was here you forgot to call them and when I went home my mom didn't even notice I was missing. Dad at least showed a face of relief when he saw me. Amity though. "Thank you, but I also wanted to know if you could advise me on what to do with a recent problem"

Lilith closes the door and guides Amity to the kitchen and sits her down. "Of course, what magic problem are you having today?"

"No, it is not about magic, it is about something else," Amity said while playing with her clothes.

"Oh, then what is it?"

Amity was worried to talk about, she didn't know how Lilith would react to her question. Would she hunt and kill Luz? Would she do nothing? Would she inform the convent and hurt Luz? Amity was too worried about what would happen if she talked about Luz's condition. Lilith saw that Amity was hesitant to ask, this is something she never had experience with, usually, Amity was really open about her problems and Lilith did everything she could to help her.

Amity is hesitant to talk to me about her problems, usually, she would have already told me. I need to reassure her that she can tell me anything and it will remain between us and no one will know about what we talk about.

"Amity, I can see you are hesitant to tell me your problem but I want you to know that no matter the problem you are having, whatever we talk about will remain between us, okay?"

"I know, it just... I don't know, this is something I am not used to"

"Whatever your problem is, I will try to help you to the best of my abilities"

"Okay, okay. My problem involves... Luz"

"Ah, I see, problems of the heart"

Amity turns bright red. "It's not like that, I don't have feelings for the human!!" Amity yells at the top of her lungs.

I never said you had feelings for her Lilith thought. "Amity, I know you have feelings for Luz, they are pretty obvious"


"You talk about her every time you come here, you ask for advice on how to tutor someone in magic, not to mention that you two have a secret club"

"There is a perfectly good reason for all the things you just mention"

"Then tell me your reason for all of them"

"The advice can be for anyone, I know people who struggle with magic. As to why I talk about Luz a lot is because she does stuff to annoy me, and our secret club there are other people in it"

"Amity, it is fine if you like Luz. I'm sure you have noticed that you have changed, before you were all about being at the top, nowadays... not so much"

Amity is now embarrassed and trying to hide it but she is taken back. Lilith hasn't made fun of or humiliated her for liking, not only a girl but a girl who cannot do magic.

"Okay fine, yes you are right I have a crush on Luz"

"And that's fine, now what is this your heart problem?"

"Luz didn't come to school today and I asked the principal about it and told me she wouldn't be coming to school for who knows how long"

Lilith sits back, she already knows why Luz isn't coming to school, she saw the main reason first hand. Thinking about it Lilith decides to call her sister to check on Luz, to ensure she is doing fine and not going all feral.

"Today as I was leaving Luz notes and homework, I asked about Luz and saw how the Owl Lady was acting. It was pretty obvious she was hiding something, so... I decided to go to the owl house to talk to Luz"

"Wait, did you just come from the owl house?" Lilith said in a panic voice.

"No, I never reach the owl house"

"I see, look, Amity I know you are missing..."

"Because Luz found us... She was hunting for her food... Lilith, Luz has been bitten and transformed into a vampire and I don't know what to do" Amity said, starting to cry.

Lilith was shocked, Luz was hunting already but it was measly one day after transformation, for what Edalyn said Luz had drunk all the bottles of blood she had. Lilith knew that her sister had a huge amount of blood and if Luz drank all of it, she shouldn't be hungry for at least a week. Lilith noticed Amity crying and started to comfort her, what she was doing made her remember her sister and comforting her apprentice. Lilith chuckles at the realization that she and her sister are not so different.

"Lilith, please, oh please promise me you won't tell anyone about Luz"

Lilith, looking at Amity, wanted to keep the fact she already knew about Luz a secret but decided not to only because it might come back later to bite her back.

"Amity, I... I already knew about what happened to Luz"


"Yesterday, as soon as you two left the library she apparently was attacked on her way home. The only reason I know this is because my sister called me thinking that maybe Luz was here. I saw the transformation and her initial attempts to eat"

"Then the reason for you telling the principal about the vampire attack is because..."

"Because of what happened to Luz, yes"

Amity started to cry more, she felt like she was at fault for what happened to Luz. Lilith moves her chair closer to Amity's and hugs her. Caressing her hair, Lilith felt like it would be better to move Amity to the couch for her and Amity to be more comfortable. So she leads Amity to the couch and lets her lean on her. Lilith goes back to caressing Amity's hair.

"Did anything else happen tonight, Amity?"

"Yes, Luz ... sob... tried to drink my blood and... sob.... She stopped when she... sob.... realize who I was"

"Well, that's good news actually"

"What do you mean?"

"It means that Luz isn't letting her instinct win the battle for dominion and control over her body. Which makes her less of a threat and it is just like a cursed person who needs to drink blood to survive"

"Then, she would be outright killed if captured?"

"That's correct, she wouldn't. You know I was going to call my sister to see how Luz was doing. Do you want to hear what she says?"

Amity wiped her eyes. "Yes, please"

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