Chapter 20

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---With Eda in the future---

After six days of flying, she was now closer to the Lost Forest and her destination. She flew over the last patch of the normal forest until she noticed someone inside, she cast a spell of invisibility and went closer to hear what they were talking. She hid on top of the tree and quietly listened to what they were talking about.

"Okay, it seems that we are missing one puppet, most likely she got captured. You puppet!!"

"Yes, master"

"You were with her, what happened to her?"

"She got capture by a group of witches"

"Dammit!! Now we don't have any leverage against Princess Scarlett. Speaking of the princess, you four, I remember telling you to capture her six days ago, where is she?"

"We don't know, we engage in battle but she got away"

"Got away!? Got away!! You fools" The vampire said staking the vampire.

The vampire screams and turns into dust. "Who knows where she is right now?"

"I saw her"

"What!? Then why didn't you capture her!?"

"She got taken by a group of witches and brought inside their house"

"Dammit!! She is with witches, who are known to take traitorous vampires among their midst. This is most troubling. The rest of you, report how many witches did you turn"

"Because of the witches curfew we had, had less luck on find them, but the vampire that got captured transform a witch six days ago, As I also did turn a witch into a vampire"

"Excellent... where are they?"

"I do not know, they should have arrived last night which they didn't"

"I can explain that situation, master"

"Then explain already!!"

"I transformed a human girl into a vampire a week ago but she didn't come to where I was, therefore, I went to search for her. I witnessed her as she devoured animals after animals, I did nothing and left as I thought she would come by the end of the night but she didn't. The next night I didn't see her and thought she was still rampaging, therefore once again, I went to see where she is and if possible capture her."

"Why didn't you capture her then?"

"It appears that the human turned into a royal vampire, the orders I gave her became nullified because of it. It also appears that the two newly born vampires follow her and the order was also nullified"

"What!? The human turn into a royal vampire!? And she can already command other vampires!? Oh!! When will the trouble end? You find her and kill her!! And bring back those two vampires that were with her!!"

"Yes, master," The vampire said as he took off.

Eda was happy, it appears that patience paid off. It didn't matter if she captures the vampire as they committed suicide as soon as capture, she can kill this vampire, no problem. Eda followed the vampire until he was far away enough from the others and bound it with light. The vampire screech in pain, Eda got in front of the vampire and saw first hand how are vampires committing suicide. For a few seconds after being bound a stake appears in front of his heart and stakes him, turning into dust soon after. Eda then understood how the vampires were doing this, a contract, they turn them into puppets and make them sign a contract, most likely stating, that if they betray the vampire their lives will end.

Despite the fact that Eda didn't exactly come to kill the vampire that turned Luz into a vampire, she got a gift. But this didn't clear any question Eda had, if anything it made more. This vampire wasn't a pureblood vampire, so him turning Luz into a pureblood vampire shouldn't be possible. These confused Eda greatly but she didn't have time, she needed to go to the human realm, to inform Camilla about her daughter's condition. Eda took to the skies and flew closer to the Lost Forest, no one but a few chosen can enter and exit the Lost forest and she was one of the few lucky ones. 

Eda descended to the entrance of the forest and started to walk, a mist covered her as soon as she enters. Eda could barely see in front of her but she didn't need to see her path for the forest guide her every step, the forest already knew what she wanted and was guiding her to that place. She soon reaches her destination, a hollow tree in the center of the forest, she enters to see skeletons peacefully resting. Eda closed her eyes and listened very carefully.

"~Oh, chosen one, you have come once again to our resting place~"

"Yes, I have spirits of the forest," Eda said while bowing her head.

"~What is it that you need this time, chosen one?~"

"I only require for you to protect the portal, you gave me all those years past"

"~Do you not remember our warning, chosen one?~"

"Of course I do, for there will be only once I can enter the realm beyond the portal. I know that the time has come for me to go beyond the portal"

"~Yes, we can see that you are full of determination, you are no longer afraid to go to the realm of humans~"

"No, I am no longer afraid, so I ask of you guardians and watcher of the forest to look after the portal, while I am on the other side"

"~We will now go chosen one~"

Eda threw the briefcase, making it into a door. She stood in front of the door and opened it hesitantly, as she stared at the open door she gathered all her courage to go and talk, for the first time with Luz's mother. She steps into the portal, closing it behind her.

"~The wheels of fate are starting to spin~"


"~I wonder where will the wheel of fate guide us~"

"~Wherever it guides us, I sense that our sacred duty will soon come to an end~"

"~Yes, he will soon come~"

Eda walked the white corridor until she reached the exit door. She opens it to see herself being in the human world. She now only needed to find Camilla Noceda.

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