Chapter 45

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Author's note: Sorry for the two-month delay, but I was busy with university and life, this chapter was meant to be longer but I don't want to delay it any longer, so it is somewhat short but I hope you enjoy it.

---Alador's Pov---

"Your majesty, Odalia, and Faust have made a deal with Salazar, they just capture both Amity and Boscha, we need to stop them before they perform the ritual"

"Then there is no time to lose, we have an agent already there"

"That won't work, Salazar probably already killed them or turned them by now," Vladimir said nonchalantly.

"... Ulysses, do we have contact with the team?"

"No, I just check, nothing but silence"

"Then, you must go... except him," Belos said, pointing towards Vladimir.

"Look Belos, I don't know why you hate him but I will remain you, he is a very powerful vampire. A very powerful vampire who can kill any vampire we might encounter" Edalyn said.

"She is right, your majesty, Vladimir can kill and command any vampire, it could save us precious minutes so we can reach the ritual" Lilith added.

"*Sight* Very well, there no time to waste, Ulysses guide them and send them to where they are"

"Of course, your majesty," Ulysses replies guiding us to the magic circle. "You will feel nauseous if you have never being teleported"

Teleporting is like passing out, you close your eyes in one place and next, you wake up somewhere else, except you feel like you are moving yet you are not, I look to my right to check that no one is throwing up, thankfully there is no one. As I was going to talk, the vampire in Vladimir's shadow pops out.

"She woke up"

---Vladimir's POV---

I go inside my shadow and see Luz up, of course I know she is not the 'original' Luz but the concentrated evil version.

"You are up"


"Not going to talk?"

"What for? You already know I am not the normal Luz"

"You are right but if I know my great-granddaughter, then she would have let you out so you could see the outside world"

" So, we are your great-granddaughter"

"I know you hear me when I saved you"

"True, ... you are not going to force me to..."

"You still share the same heart, Amity must mean a lot"


"Yes, you can participate, just don't get yourself killed"

"With abuelo here? Impossible"

"Just try not to, I don't want to go to Carmen and tell her I fail to protect our great-granddaughter"

"No promises"

Evil version Luz grabs my arm and we both emerge from the shadows. I could see that the group was ready to attack, I looked at Edalyn who seemed worried for Luz.

"That's weird, there are no vampires here," Luz said.

"Knowing Marcus, most likely he told Salazar if things go south to abandon this deal... I'm sorry Elizabeth but you won't get your revenge today"

"... Then I shall stay and ensure princess Scarlett remains safe"

"That how I knew you, I thought the last name sounded similar"

"What do they do babe?" Aurora asked

"They were... the dark hands of the royal family"

"We did the dirty things that the royal family didn't want to be known for, besides the ones they were already well known for"

"Enough chatting, we need to move and stop this madness," Edalyn said.

"Let's go, I have the scent of Amity and Boscha," Luz said

"Move out then"

As we drop to the floor a magic circle appears, I call upon the shadow to surround us to protect us. As the magic circle finished forming a huge explosion happened, I undo the shadow manipulation and bring up the destruction of the spell as clear as day. The entire library was completely destroyed and the other room next to them was gone.

"They are really desperate," Luz said.

"Not desperate Luz, try to smell for Amity"

Luz was confused and tried to catch the smell of Amity, as she did this she came to shock that she now could smell Amity all around her. Luz shook her head and tried again but it didn't change the outcome.

"I can't smell her anymore"

"This was to get us off their trail, you and I who have the best chance to track them wanted to get rid of us"

"That doesn't matter, I know where their secret tunnel is"

"... Just come out"

Everyone but me got into a battle stance, expecting a mass amount of vampires to rush out.

"Willow, just come out"

Willow came out of her hiding place, clearly still out of breath. She carefully moved forward and stood in front of me, I can only guess she thinks I am mad at her. I wasn't, she was now the only one that wasn't affected by the bomb.

"You are now the only a vampire with a strong sense of smell to catch on to traps, you are to stay in the middle"

"Wait, You are not mad that I left?"

"No, Berserkers are impossible to control when their loved ones are in danger. Now let move, we need to deal with whatever trap they have a place, Alador you are leading"

"Okay, let move"

Willow got in the middle and stood ready to tell us if she felt any changes in the flow of magic. Of course, there were plenty of traps and we really couldn't move forward without triggering a trap, I was getting pissed off at how many god damn traps there were.

"There are so many traps that by the time we reach them, it would be too late"

"Okay, Luz protect everyone"

"What are you going to do?"

"This mansion is getting renovated"

I started chanting a spell, Luz didn't waste time and put a shadow shield around everyone.

"Come and rain down into this barren land. Thunder Storm!!"

Huge lightning rained down upon the mansion burning and disintegrating everything that it hit. The storm went on until there wasn't anything put ash, I looked up to see the destruction and it appeared that as the spell was destroying everything it revealed a secret entrance not far away from where we were.


Luz undid the magic and came to see that the mansion was gone, there was nothing.

"How powerful was that spell abuelo?"

"Mmm? Not very, it was only a tier 3 spell"

"I can only guess that in the human world Magic is different"

"Of course, everything is. I will tell you some other day, for now, we need the stuff to do"

"Then let's go and save those two"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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