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As you wake up you realize you aren't in your room. Confused at first, you remember falling asleep on the couch in your teacher's house. You mentally slap yourself as you sit up. You see a cat laying at the other end of the couch and pet its soft fur.

Not knowing what time it is you pick up your phone and realize you somehow woke up at five in the morning. Not wanting to wake anyone up, you decide to just sit on the couch until someone else wakes up. You pet the fluffy cat who starts purring against you as you scratch between its ears.

It's around thirty minutes later when Shota comes into the living room. He notices your awake and says, "Good morning."

"Good morning... Sorry about falling asleep," you respond.

Shota shakes his head, "It's fine. I wasn't going to make you go back home in the storm anyways." You nod and realize your parents are probably worried sick. "Don't worry about your parents, I called them last night before going to bed and let them know about everything."

Realizing you haven't changed out of your clothes from yesterday you say, "Oh, okay. Thank you, Shota! I should probably go home now since I have no clothes to change into and my school bag is there."

"I'll drive you home since it's still dark out."

You think about saying no, but he'd probably take you anyways so you reply, "Okay, thank you. My house is just down the road so it isn't too far."

Shota grabs his keys from the key rack, "You're welcome."

You quickly get up and put your shoes and hoodie on. You put your phone and earbuds in your pocket before following Shota out the door and to his car. He takes you to your house pretty quickly and you thank him again before running inside.

You take a quick shower and put on some clothes for the school day. After you're dressed and ready, you throw some toast in the toaster and eat it dry before grabbing your bag and running to the door and out the house, making sure you don't miss the bus.


You're lying your head on your desk in homeroom when you realize Hitoshi is in your class. You wonder how you didn't see him yesterday, but shake the thought as Mina walks over to you to talk. Still not fully comfortable with her, you don't talk a whole lot again, but she once again doesn't mind.

As you go through homeroom and your first two classes, time seems like it's going by quickly. As the third period rolls around, you aren't sure if you dread it or like it. You don't really have to sing, but you do have to do school work, the work is pretty easy for you though. Realizing you technically can't hear anything from inside the practice rooms, you hope that someone will let you know when the bell rings.

As you finish your work and listen to your soulmate singing again, you tap your foot. You quickly finish your work and decide to lean against the wall again. Even though you don't fall asleep this time, Hitoshi still has to come and get you. You apologize once again, but he just shrugs as you both walk to your next class in silence.

Throughout the week your days are all the same, until Friday morning when you accidentally run into one of the school bullies on your way to lunch. You apologize and start walking away, but one of them tugs on the back of your hoodie which pulls you back. He says his name is Dabi and yells at you for running into him before pushing you into the wall and continuing to walk with the other two behind him.

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