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As soon as you reach Hitoshi's house, he drags you upstairs and into his bedroom. You try to figure out what he's feeling, but you end up having no idea.

He pulls you into the room and pushes you onto the bed. He then walks to the door and closes it before walking over and sitting on his chair.

You want to speak, but you don't want to say something to piss him off more than he already seems. You watch as he observes you, unknowing of what his next move will be. You have never seen Hitoshi mad and you are unsure if this is him being mad or not.

You notice Hitoshi biting his lip as he thinks, his hands running through his hair. You finally decide it is time to speak up, "Hitoshi... are you o-"

Hitoshi cuts you off, "Why did you lie to me this morning?"

"I-I told you it d-didn't matter," you nervously respond.

Hitoshi gets up from his seat and squats down in front of you, looking into those e/c jewels that people call eyes. "Whatever it was apparently bothered you all day. You stuttered each time you spoke to me and you seemed more nervous than usual... It has to be more than nothing y/n," he states.

You try to look away from Hitoshi, but he grabs hold of your chin and turns your head back towards him. "Did I do something wrong?" he asks.

You shake your head and wave your hands as you say, "N-no. You didn't do anything wrong. I-I'm just... I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"B-because it's embarrassing," you mumble.

Hitoshi tilts his head, "Embarrassing? What's so embarrassing that it causes you to become a nervous wreck around me all day?"

"I-I uh... I'm going to uh g-go home. T-talk to you later Hitoshi," you stutter as you quickly stand up and walk towards the door.

Hitoshi catches your wrist and pulls you back towards him. You stare into each other's eyes for a moment before you pull your wrist away and walk out the door anxiously. You quickly go downstairs and leave, making your way back home.

Hitoshi groans as the door shuts before faceplanting onto his bed. "Shit. What did I just do, " he says to himself.

Minutes later Shota walks into the room, closing the door behind him. "Y/n ran out of the house pretty quickly a few minutes ago. What happened?" he asks his son as he sits down in the chair.

Hitoshi groans and sits up. "I don't know, I think I scared her or something," her replies.

Shota raises an eyebrow and says, "What did you say to scare her?"

Hitoshi sighs and leans against the wall, "This morning she wouldn't tell me what was wrong and was acting anxious around me all day. It freaks me out since she's become so confident around me, so I was hoping she would actually tell me, but I came off a little strong." He itches his ear as he continues, "I didn't mean to come off strong, but I was thinking a lot before that so my emotions and thoughts are a little fucked right now."

Shota leans back in the seat, "Did she say anything about why?"

"Just that it's embarrassing."

Shota being the smart person he is figures it out and holds back a smirk. He's surprised his son didn't figure it out, but then again he knows his son has never been one for the ladies until now. "Give her some time and try again later or something," he tells the teenager.

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