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All throughout the funeral service, you couldn't stop the tears. Most of the people who came were co-workers since you were the only family they had left. Hitoshi stayed with you throughout the whole service, not wanting to leave your side.

When it came time to go up to the caskets, you refused to do so. You couldn't imagine seeing your parent's bodies lying there, not breathing and unable to speak to you anymore.

As people were able to share stories, you found yourself laughing at some of the ones their coworkers told. They never really told you anything about work, but you're learning so much about how they were with others.

Your parents were always friendly towards others and loved to spend all their time with you when you were younger. As you grew up though, they started working a lot more and began to never be around anymore. It hurt you that they were never home, but at least you now know they enjoyed themselves at work at least.

As the funeral comes to an end, you feel like a mess. It gave you some closure in a way, but everything still hurts.

Rather than leaving as soon as it ended you stayed seated as you leaned against Hitoshi, looking at the pictures in the front of the room of your parents. After almost everyone has cleared out, the caskets are closed.

You stand up and walk over to the closed caskets with Hitoshi at your side.

Throughout the funeral, Hitoshi had noticed how much you look like both of your parents. He knows tonight is going to be one of the roughest nights for you and he plans on being there for you every step of the way as long as you let him.

Since the day after they died, you haven't cried until now. Hitoshi knows you are trying to be strong, but he would rather you let your emotions out than to bottle them up.

After you've decided you're ready to go, Hitoshi drives home as you fall asleep in the passenger seat. By the time he reaches the house you're fully out of it and Hitoshi doesn't plan on waking you.

He carries you inside and puts you to bed, making sure to quietly shut the door as he leaves the room. He heads downstairs and sits on the couch beside his fathers.

"How was the funeral?" Shota asks.

Hitoshi leans back, "It was okay. She shed a lot of tears, but with a little bit of time, I think she will be okay."

Shota nods, "At least it went well."

"Yeah." Hitoshi agrees. "Tomorrow, will one of you come with me to get something for her? I'd go alone, but I would like a second opinion."

"Sure thing," Shota says. "I'll go since Hizashi is better at cheering people up and Eri will stay too."

Hizashi smiles, "We'll do our best to keep her happy while you're gone. I'm sure Eri's got enough energy to keep her on her feet."

"Thank you." Hitoshi hugs his parents, something he doesn't do often. "I love and appreciate you both so much."

"We love you too," they say in unison. They know that seeing how easily you lost your parents has him scared that he could lose them easily. Neither of them plans on leaving this world anytime soon.

Hitoshi heads back upstairs and sits in his chair, pulling out a book to read as he waits for you to wake up.

It's almost two hours later when you wake up, the sun still up and shining through the windows. You open your eyes and look around for Hitoshi to see him sitting in his chair, his back turned towards you.

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