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When you wake up your mom's standing in the doorway. You look at the time on your alarm clock and realize it's the time you'd get up for school. You look at your mom, "Why am I going to school today? I feel like absolute garbage."

"Because the more you move, the better you'll feel. Now get up and take a shower," she tells you. You roll your eyes as she leaves your doorway and walks down the hall.

You're pissed that your mom is so insensitive towards the way you're feeling right now. It's as if your parent's job is their whole life and that school is the only reason you're alive. You love them, but they've never acted like they even care for you.

You groan as you get out of bed and take a shower. As the water touches your skin it burns at first but after a few minutes, it feels good.

After cleaning yourself and rinsing off, you get out of the shower and brush your hair, deciding to leave it down for the day. You look at your head injury and decide to put a bandaid on it for the day.

You throw on some leggings and an oversized hoodie. You thought about wearing a shirt under it, but you don't plan on taking it off because of the bruises and scratches. The ones on your face are light enough not to be noticed unless someone inspects your face.

You grab your phone and earbuds before going downstairs. You tell your parents about needing some food in the house before grabbing your bag and storming out. Maybe it's childish to act like that, but you're tired of the way they act towards you. They decide to just leave you home alone without any type of vehicle and pretty much no food in the house. Do they expect you to be happy about that?

As the bus picks you up, you sit in the front seat away from everyone. Most people enjoy sitting in the back and acting like a bunch of bitches on crack, but you'd rather not.

When you walk into the classroom and Mr. Aizawa spots you, he asks you to come here. You already know he's probably going to be mad you came today since he said you needed rest, but that's not something you could control. He waves Hitoshi over too before speaking.

Mr. Aizawa looks at you, an angry expression on his face, "Why are you here today? You're supposed to be getting some rest."

You sigh and lean against the wall, "My mom decided it was a good idea to make me come to school even though I told her I'm in pain."

Mr. Aizawa lets out an angry breath. He doesn't understand other parents sometimes, the way they decide to do things just pisses him off. He bites the inside of his cheek as he thinks.

Hitoshi comes up with an idea that won't make you have to move around too much. "What if she gets the work from all of her teachers for the day and sits in one of the choir practice rooms as long as it's okay with everyone?"

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Mr. Aizawa replies. He turns to Hitoshi, "Will you be willing to stay in there to keep an eye on her? You can get free sleep after all your works done."

"You had me at sleep," Hitoshi says with a grin.


Mr. Aizawa turns to you, "Are you fine with this y/n?"

You think about it for a moment. If you say no, then you'll have to walk around all day and do work and pay attention in class as you try to ignore the pain. If you say yes, then you'll have to sit in a small room for eight hours, minus lunch, with a human being of the opposing gender and you won't have to deal with the pain all day. You're not a fan of someone else being in there with you, but it's not like you don't already know Hitoshi, and not walking around too much is probably for the best.

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