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Hitoshi runs as fast as his feet can take him, trying his best to make it to you. He can hear the sirens as the vehicles arrive at your house and he gets closer.

As soon as he reaches sight of your house, there is caution tape around the front yard as a man in cuffs is being taken out. Multiple cop cars are in front of your house along with an ambulance. Hitoshi doesn't stop running as he arrives, pushing nosy neighbors out of the way.

He quickly ducks under the caution tape, pushing past cops. One of the policemen yells, "Hey You can't go in there!!"

Ignoring the cop, Hitoshi runs into the house and up the stairs, pushing anyone in his path. He sees two bodies covered by a white sheet and knows those are your parents.

Looking away from the covered bodies, Hitoshi goes straight to your closet and opens it, seeing you sitting there with your arms wrapped around your knees and tears pouring out of your eyes.

He picks you up bridal style as your, your tears now soaking his shirts as you push your face against his chest. As he walks downstairs, he puts his hand on the back of your head so that you can't see the covered bodies as he walks past them. As the police run up to him, they tell him to take you to the ambulance.

Shota arrives, parking the car on the side of the road before hurrying out. The police try to stop him but he tells them his son is in there and they allow him to pass. He starts to make his way to Hitoshi until he sees two bodies being rolled out of the house in body bags.

His eyes widen as he continues hurrying his way to Hitoshi, worry spreading throughout his whole body. After seeing you in his son's arms, he calms down slightly.

Within the next hour, multiple things happen. You're questioned for anything you'd seen or heard, Hitoshi and Shota staying with you throughout it all. Afterward, they do a short check-up before allowing you to go home with Hitoshi.

The events of the night keep replaying in your head throughout everything. The fact that your parents are gone, it feels like a piece of you has been lost. They were never home but they still were your parents and you love them so much.

You feel as if it's your fault that they died like you could have warned them somehow, but you know it's not your fault at the same time.

You never saw the man's face, but you had come to learn he had robbed many other houses and goes by the name of Hawks. Your parents were the first people he had actually killed while robbing a house due to the fact that they walked in on him.

As Shota drives to his house, no one says a word. The only thing heard is the sobs coming from you. Hitoshi doesn't say a word for now, just trying his best to comfort you as he can now.

On the way to Hitoshi's, you cry yourself to sleep. The sobs had died down slowly as your eyes closed.

After making it to the house, Hitoshi carries you inside and into his room. He takes off your shoes and covers you up before going downstairs to speak to his dads. Hizashi was sitting in the living room leaning forward on the couch as he anxiously waited for any news on what had happened when Hitoshi went in the house.

When walking back downstairs, Shota and Hizashi are sitting on the couch talking. Shota's stressed about what they are going to do about you. They know you turned seventeen not long ago, but you still have time before you're considered an adult.

As they see their son walk into the room, Shota asks, "How is she doing?"

Hitoshi sits in the arm-chair and runs his hand through his hair, "She's asleep for now. I don't know how she will react when she wakes up."

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