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"Come on y/n!" Hitoshi yells as he puts your bags in the vehicle.

You giggle as you give everyone hugs before running out the door, "Stop rushing me. I was giving hugs that were very well needed."

Hitoshi raises an eyebrow at you as he opens your door, "Yeah yeah, hurry up. The city is a long drive from here."

"I know, I'm sorry!" you say. You kiss him on the cheek before getting in the car, Hitoshi closing the door behind you. He gets into the car and starts it, pulling out of the driveway.

The both of you are surprised that Shota and Hizashi even allowed you to go on this trip since they are both worried about you so much, but they know it will help get your mind off of everything that happened within the last month and a half and relax.

It was a week ago when Hitoshi had asked his fathers about going to the city for sightseeing and to just enjoy something different. It took a little bit of convincing and in the end, they allowed him to take you to the city for a few days.

You had only learned yesterday where you were going. As soon as the words had left his mouth you tackled him backward and wouldn't let go until Hitoshi had told you he needed to go to the bathroom.

As Hitoshi drives, you both talk and look at the new sights while enjoying each other's presence. The sights on the way are amusing to you. There's a lot of farms, mountains, and a few smaller cities you pass by.

At one point you turn on some music and you both just sing to it, loving each other's voices. As you both finish up singing along with a Megan Thee Stallion song, Just The Way You Are comes on. Just as the intro music starts you excitedly say, "It's our song Tosh!!!"

Hitoshi laughs as you both start singing the song together, loving that it's what you both consider, "Our Song." You've sung it for each other growing up without knowing each other and even now that you know each other, it's something you have together. It's a song neither of you will ever forget for as long as you both are alive.

After hours of switching around who drives, you finally make it to the city. It's dark and the stars are out, but the lights from all the buildings are beautiful. You arrive at the hotel and check-in. After taking your stuff outside you both flop on the bed and lay there for a bit.

After laying there for ten minutes, you decide to look around the room before sleeping. The hotel room is a suite and supposedly they have a lot of things in here already for their customers. You look around the room, only finding the normal things a room would have until you come to a door neither of you has looked in yet.

You've already seen a bathroom, a closet and a kitchen. You both raise an eyebrow at the door before opening it. Your eyes go wide-eyed as you see what's inside of the small room. "I- Uh-," you try to speak but no words come out.

Hitoshi's face is a dark red, his breath hitched. You both stare wide-eyed for a moment before one of you finally close the door back.

"H-Hitoshi... Those were- uhm-" you start talking but feel you're unable to finish your sentence.

"Sex toys," Hitoshi finishes for you.

You clear your throat, "Y-yea. I- uh I didn't know those types of things w-were in a hotel room."

"Me neither..." Hitoshi replies. He decides to tease you a little bit and adds, "Maybe they will be useful though."

You whip your head around and look up at him, "I- Wh-what."

Our Song [Hitoshi Shinso x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now