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Hitoshi takes a breath before moving his body to sit directly in front of yours. You look up from your phone and he's looking at you. You set your phone down and say, "Hi? Can I help you with something?"

He shakes his head up and down slowly. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure," you reply, giving him your full attention.

"What exactly happened to make you stop singing?" You look down at your hands, not noticing that you started biting your lip. Hitoshi starts to slide back to the other wall, "Sorry it was a stupid question."

You grab his wrist before it gets out of reach, "N-no it's fine." He stops moving and turns around to look at you. You are still looking down, as you point in front of you where he was before. "I'll answer your question, just give me a minute."

"Okay," Hitoshi says as he moves back in front of you. He's sitting Indian style and leans back onto his arms as he patiently waits for you to speak. He watches as your facial expressions change between multiple different ones.

"U-Uhm so... A year before I moved here, a lot of things in my life started going downhill." You take a deep breath to calm yourself down slightly before continuing. "I loved to sing before that, but around that time I started overhearing insults towards my singing and other things about me from people who I thought were my friends. I had ignored it at first, just to not let the stuff get to my head and drag me down. I continued to try, but the more I heard it the more I let it get to me especially since I thought they were my friends... It just kind of hurt."

You stop and look up at Hitoshi for a second to see him looking at you with his usual facial expression. You start picking at your nails and look down before you continue speaking, "Over time throughout the year, I stopped talking to each one of them along with I slowly stopped singing. I had one friend left after that and she... Uhm she hurt me most of all."

A single tear falls from your eyes, "I-I caught her in bed with my at the time boyfriend. The next day she screamed a bunch of insults at my face because of me calling her out for it. After that, I stopped singing for good due to a lack of confidence and moved away not long after."

You can feel the tears trying to escape from within you and close your eyes hoping to stop them. Without thinking, Hitoshi leans forward and wraps his arms around you. You lean into the warm embrace as the tears start pouring out of your eyes.

Hitoshi traces circles along your back as he thinks. "I've personally only ever had one friend... kind of. Other than that I have no experience when it comes to friendships, but I do know that those who acted like that are assholes and you should forget about their opinions. The best way to heal is to move on and leave anything that happened in the past. Prove to yourself that you can be confident and be happy even with the fact that they treated you like that. Do things that make you happy and make new friends."

Hitoshi pauses for a moment. He then says something he didn't expect himself to say, "Let me be your friend. Let me help you feel confident again and learn to trust again." He continues rubbing your back as a way of comforting you.

"I-" you start to speak but Hitoshi cuts you off. "Don't try to respond until you are done soaking my shirt with your tears." You just sit there in his arms letting tears that have been aching to leave your system finally escape. The last time you actually let someone see you like this was when you thought you actually had friends.

It's a few minutes later and you've stopped crying, but you fell asleep leaning against him. Hitoshi sighs and slowly moves to where he's leaning against the wall with your head on his lap. He could move you but decides against it. Moving the hair out of your face, Hitoshi dries lingering tears off of your cheeks. As you're sleeping, you bury your face against his stomach and you're curled up into a ball.

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