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It's a Saturday and you are all alone in your house, as usual. It happens so often that you're not even surprised anymore. The days your parents come back, they only stay for a day or two before leaving again. You've ended up hanging out at Hitoshi's all day and going back home at night unless u accidentally fall asleep over there.

Like any other day, you're on your way to Hitoshi's house. You're greeted by Eri like usual before walking into the living room where Shota and Hizashi are.

After saying your daily hello's, you run upstairs and knock on Hitoshi's door. You could just walk in, but you've decided against that since you never know what he's doing in there.

Hitoshi opens the door and you walk in, sitting down on his bed like usual. You do your usual of just talking about whatever and Hitoshi teaching you how to play the guitar a bit more. You've gotten quite good at playing within the past few weeks. You are still considered a beginner but you find it fun either way.

You have also begun singing more and more throughout time. You've left everything from your past there and just slowly got a feel for it again. Although you are still self-conscious about your voice, you are happy to be doing something you love again.

You've realized your soulmate likes it too. He's always singing when you're in the practice room so you do get sorta confused, but sometimes at night if you can't sleep, you will both take turns singing different songs. Eventually, you'd fall asleep and your soulmate continues to sing throughout the night until he himself falls asleep.

Your hanging upside down, halfway off of Hitoshi's bed as you watch him write stuff down in his little booklet. You had finished practicing the guitar a little over ten minutes ago, so you're on break.

As you watch him write stuff down in his booklet you just look at him with curiosity in your eyes. You've seen him write in the book a lot when you are over. Anytime you have asked to see what's in it, he says no without an explanation. The only bad thing is that makes you even more curious.

Sometimes you think it could be a diary or that he's writing songs down in it. You don't know enough to know for sure and you don't want to touch it without his permission since he deals with you enough already.

As you lie on the bed, you start sliding without realizing it and fall onto your head. "Oww. Shit that hurt," you whine.

Hitoshi holds back a laugh as he looks at you with a raised eyebrow, "It's your fault for not laying on the bed correctly."

"Hey, why are you on the bed's side of this. It's the one that threw me off of it... kinda," you say as you flip yourself over and stand back up.

Hitoshi turns in his chair to where he's facing you."The bed gives me comfort and I sleep on it. That's why."

You stick your tongue out at him in a childish manner and replies with, "Well I'm sorry that I'm too small for you to sleep on and give you comfort."

"I mean I could sleep on you, I'm just not sure how comfy it would be."

You sit on the bed and cross your arms. "Then come here and lay on my thighs and see how comfy it is. I want to be more comfortable than the bed. It's evil."

Hitoshi cocks an eyebrow, "You want me to lay on you, just to prove you're comfier than the bed?" You nod your head at his words. Hitoshi shakes his head and sets his book down. "You are unbelievable."

"You're doing it though aren't you?" you reply.

Hitoshi sighs, "Yes because if I don't you will probably try to fight the bed. Although that would be pretty entertaining to watch, I want to sleep anyway."

Our Song [Hitoshi Shinso x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now