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Waking up this morning, you have one goal in mind. Food. You take a warm shower before getting dressed and putting some shoes on. You use your phone to google where the closest diner is and find out its location. After struggling to understand the map due to having a point five IQ, you learn it is down past the antique shop from before.

You let out an annoyed sigh, mad that you have to walk so fucking far just to get some phone. At this point, you want to call your parents and cuss them, but you'd rather not get grounded when they get back.

Your stomach grumbles and you whine, not understanding why humans have to eat all the time to survive. You put your phone and wallet in your pocket and walk out the door, completely forgetting a jacket.

You walk down the street, passing my houses you have seen multiple times. A third of the way there, you realize you forgot your jacket. Instead of listening to your brain that's telling you to go back for a jacket, you listen to your grumbling stomach. You cross and rub your arms, feeling colder as the wind starts blowing.

As you walk past Hitoshi's house, Hizashi is checking the mail. He notices you coming his way and greets you with, "Hey kiddo."

"Hey Hizashi," you reply with a clenched smile.

Hizashi notices that you are slightly shivering, along with the fact that it's cold and you are without a jacket of any kind."Are you okay? Your shivering kid."

You try to be persuading as you say, "Y-yea. Just fine."

"You lie too much. Come in and we'll get you a jacket to borrow."

Rather than arguing you agree with it, "S-sorry. S-sure. I didn't r-realize how cold I actually was."

You follow Hizashi inside the house that you've been in a number of times. As soon as you step in, you slightly relax as the heat touches your skin. Hizashi looks for a jacket that might fit you in his closet, but they are all too big, so he decides to ask Hitoshi.

"Why do you need one of my hoodies?" Hitoshi asks as he stands in the doorway of his room with his arms crossed.

Hizashi sighs, "Because someone forgot their jacket at home and they were freezing their ass off as they were walking down the road."

Hitoshi scoffs, "Who's stupid enough to forget a jacket in this weather?"

"Go take a look at the couch and find out if you're so worried about it."

Hitoshi uncrosses his arms and quietly walks downstairs. He peeks around the doorway and sees you on the couch petting the cat. Turning around and walking back upstairs, he mumbles, "Of course that dumbass forgot her jacket."

Hizashi raises an eyebrow as Hitoshi walks back towards his room, "So?"

"I'll bring one down in a minute," he tells him.

"Thank you," Hizashi says in a sing-song voice.

"Whatever. Just give me a few minutes."

"Okay!" Hizashi smiles to himself as he walks back downstairs to let you know about the hoodie. He would have asked for a regular zip-up jacket, but all Hitoshi has in his wardrobe that has a hood on it is hoodies. When Hizashi gets downstairs he tells you to wait a few minutes and you nod as you continue to sit and pet the cat.

Five minutes later Hitoshi comes downstairs with a purple hoodie in hand. He chucks it at you and it lands on your head as he says, "Here's a hoodie idiot."

The hoodie falls on your head with an 'oof'. "Thank you," you say as you take the hoodie off your head. You run your hand through your hair one time to somewhat fix it before holding the hoodie out in front of you. It's a purple hoodie with a white sleeping cat above the pockets and the hood has cat ears. "It's so cute looking!!" you say, excited to put it on.

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