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It's finally the weekend and you have nothing to do. You also have no way of going out since your parents haven't bought you a car yet even though you have asked multiple times. Yet they always get to take the car when they go on trips. You were happy on your phone for a little bit until you realized you have no numbers saved into your phone. After you moved you deleted all the contacts and changed your number for a new start.

You throw your phone on your bed and sigh as you wander around the house to figure out what to do for the day. As you are just about to give up and just go back to sleep, you hear some knocks at your door. You quickly run over to it, sliding halfway and opening it. "Hi Hitoshi!" you say as you pull him in, not realizing fully that it's Hitoshi. "W-wait... Hitoshi? What are you doing here."

Hitoshi scratches the back of his neck and says, "Uhm, My dad kicked me out of the house for the day since I never leave my room. He told me to find something to do and I came here because everyone else was busy."

You don't like that he did pretty much say you are a last resort, but it's better than nothing. You're kind of surprised that he came here since he doesn't seem to like you very much too. Then again, he doesn't seem to show his emotions too well either so maybe he does? You feel confused about it but shake the thoughts off for another day. You smile as you realize now you don't have to be bored, "THAT'S PERFECT! I was about to go crazy!" you say now jumping around excited.

"I thought you were a quiet, calm, emo-like person or something. I didn't expect you to be so... energetic." Hitoshi says, following you as you dance around.

You stop where you are and turn around slowly, "Well..... A lot of it is a facade, other than the nervousness thing. Although I am quiet unless someone speaks to me first." You put a finger on your chin, "Plus when I'm bored I either get really sleepy or really energetic. I was sleepy before but seeing another human has awoken the energy." You start dancing around again until you end up upstairs in your room and throw yourself on your bed.

Hitoshi raises an eyebrow in amusement, "You are quite weird, you know that right?"

"So I've been told."

Hitoshi looks around your room and sees a few plushies lying on your bed, some anime posters on your wall, a dresser, and a single picture frame on a desk in the corner. While you're not paying attention, he picks the frame up and looks at it. He sees you and two girls singing at a karaoke bar. "I guess she really did like to sing," he mumbles to himself.

He sets the picture back down and turns to you who's glaring at the ceiling as if you are going to kill it. "Why are you staring at the ceiling like you are going to kill it?"

You turn to him, "I'm thinking."


"About where my video games are. I can't remember if my mom took it down to the basement or not." You shiver at the thought, "If so, video games are not an option."

"Why? Is someone a little scared of the dark." he teases.

You glare at him, "For a matter of fact I am scared of the dark. So many things could just be lurking in it." You shiver again, "I might be murdered or something."

"Your imagination is a little too wild for your own good." He leans against your dresser. "Are there no lights down there to turn on?"

You shake your head, "No. The first time I went down there I brought the flashlight on my phone and the lights wouldn't work. After that, I just kinda ran back upstairs because a flashlight doesn't help too much with lighting for me."

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