Chapter 2

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Somin's POV

The ride was quiet after Jongkook oppa proposed the idea of practicing alone tomorrow. Isn't he tired? As the car arrived near my house, I packed my stuff and unbuckled the seatbelt.

"Thank you for the ride, Jongkook oppa. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked to confirm the invitation.

"I'll pick you up at 6pm tomorrow," He uttered. I nodded as a response and went out of the car. I closed the car door and waved at Jongkook oppa with a tired smile. He waved back and went off.

I sighed for the 100th time today as I went up to my house.

Narrator's POV

As the sun rise up, it was already 1pm. Somin was still sleeping soundly while Jongkook was working out at the gym since 10am.

The alarm clock beside Somin woke her up,which showed 2pm. Somin grabbed her phone and saw a couple of text from Jongkook.

The Text Message

Contact Name:

Jongkook oppa~

Somin-ah, are you awake? Don't forget that we have a practice at 6pm!!

Bring an extra towel. I don't have much toiletries at my house.

Oppa, you'll be fetching me,right?

Hehe~ I just woke up anyways!!

Luckily ,you didn't ask to meet up at 2pm or else, I'd be late :P

This kid...what am I going to do with you?

Whatever, just wear something simple, ok? I'll fetch you 10 minutes earlier.

Alright, Mr Kim~~

Jongkook's POV

I chuckled at Somin's childish reply. She can be so complicated sometimes.

I knew Somin would be uncomfortable as soon as the dance teacher, Lia Kim, showed our duo dance to us and the other members.

I can't think of anything other than its just a dance for our fans although I was flustered too. Somin can be sensitive and she gets flustered very easily.

At times, I do find her cute and charming in a way. I can't deny that I'm excited for the dance practice later.

I sighed heavily as I wiped my sweat away. My work out session finished before I knew it and I head back home to clean up.

Somin's POV

"Oh? It's already 5.43pm? That's crazy! I shouldn't have karaoked for too long," I complained to myself as I glanced at the clock. I turned off the TV and the mic I was given as a birthday present.

I only got 7 more minutes until Jongkook oppa arrived. I haven't even pack the toiletries I need later on. I knew Jongkook oppa won't have basic neccesities like toilet paper and such. The man was a penny pincher.

I quickly gather wet wipes, a pack of tissue paper and a face towel inside a tote bag. I tugged my mid-length brown hair behind my ears and went through my closet to pick something basic.

"A long sleeve blue shirt with short denim pants? Or a red t-shirt with long tight pants?" I thought to myself.

"Ah, whatever," I put on the red t-shirt and long tight pants. I brought the short denim pants just incase it gets hot in Jongkook oppa's non-air conditioned living room.

My phone rang and Jongkook oppa's name appeared on the screen.

"Yes, Jongkook oppa," I spoke softly.

"I'm downstairs, are you ready?" His calm voice rang through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm going down now," I grabbed the short denim pants and stuffed it into the tote bag.

I grabbed my wallet and house keys before locking the house door. I hurriedly went down to find Jongkook oppa leaning onto his car.

"Was I late?" I asked as he opened the car door for me. He shooked his head and closed the door after I got in the car.

I put on my seatbelt and placed the tote bag on my lap."Somin-ah, why is your bag full of stuff?" He pointed towards my bag.

I smiled cheekily and said, "Oppa, I know you don't have tissue or wet wipes so I brought my own."

He laughed softly as he started the engine and went off to his house.

"You're wearing long pants? You know my house is humid, right?" Jongkook oppa indicated.

I scoffed. "Of course, that's why I brought extra short pants, just in case I'll feel warm."

He smiled and nodded. "Good job," He muttered.

After 5 minutes, we arrived to Jongkook oppa's house. My palms were starting to sweat as the initial plan of coming to Jongkook oppa's house overcame my other thoughts.

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