Chapter 18

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Author's Note:

What?? 400+ readers,thats crazy! Tysm :)) And almost to 500? I'm happy to see that ^____^

Narrator's POV

Finally, the shoot ended. Everyone was relieved that they were done. All of them said their goodbyes. Somin was heading towards her car, where her manager was waiting for her, until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Somin?" A male voice came from behind. Somin was surprised as it was getting dark. She turned around to see Donghae smiling charmingly. She returned a tired smile.

"Oh, Donghae-ssi?" She voiced out, surprised at the appearance of him before her. Donghae cleared his throat before speaking.

"This might be too sudden and weird but what's your favourite way to spend a day off?" Donghae suddenly asked, making Somin confused. "Huh?" She muttered, taken aback from such a question.

Donghae nervously laughed, scratching the back of his not-itchy head. "Well?" He insisted, wanting to hear her answer. "Uh, I guess I take a walk with my neighbour's dog, go to a karaoke or sleep till the afternoon," She answered truthfully as she glanced at her surroundings with cars going off.

"Why?" She asked Donghae. He grinned softly at her answer. "Well,I thought you might want to go out somewhere with-" Donghae's voice got cut off by a sudden honk.

Somin jumped at the unexpected sound. Her eyes squinted at the car before Donghae and her. "Oh? It's Jongkook oppa's car," She mumbled to herself. She glanced at Donghae, who was startled by the honk too.

Jongkook came out of his car and went towards Somin and Donghae. He looked at Somin before turning his gaze towards Donghae. Donghae bowed in respect as Jongkook nodded and gave him a bitter smile.

"Why did you even honk? It was so unneccesary," Somin asked Jongkook, feeling annoyed as she was still curious about Donghae's question.

"I..." He trailed off his words as he realised that Donghae was still with them.

Jongkook's POV

Right after I went in my car, I saw Donghae running up to Somin. Not to be creepy or anything but I watched them out of curiosity. I sensed Donghae's body language that looked like he was nervous.

My jaw clenched as I drove up to them. I purposely honked to interrupt their conversation. I don't even know if I was being petty but looking at Somin and another guy alone disturbed me.

As Somin asked me why I honked, I stopped my words as Donghae was still near us. Instead, I grabbed onto Somin's arm and dragged her carefully into my car. I heard her yelped but she didn't resist my force either.

I started the engine and went off, leaving the poor Donghae alone.

Somin's POV

My eyebrows frowned at Jongkook oppa's behaviour. As he reversed the car, I looked behind to see Donghae looking confused as he walked off.

"Oppa, what are you doing?" I asked as he drove to somewhere I don't know. He didn't respond as his eyes were focused on the road. "Do you even know what you're doing? My manager was waiting for me in my car! He must be worried," I grumbled while looking at him.

I took my phone out of my pocket, turning it on to no avail. It was dead. I groaned. "Look, even my phone's dead. Turn the car around now," I almost shoved the phone into his face.

He didn't respond once again, his grip on the steering wheel grew tighter. "What's wrong with you? Are you not listening to me?" I raised my voice without realising. Suddenly, he pulled over the car to the side of the road.

He sighed after a few seconds of silence. He handed me his phone. "Call your manager. Say that I'm bringing you out for a meal," He said as he cracked his knuckles and went back to driving.

I hesitantly called my manager. "Oh, who is this?" I heard my manager's voice in a polite tone. "It's me, Somin. I'm calling you from Jongkook oppa's phone," I assured him. "Somin, I was worried sick since you weren't picking up your phone. Where are you? Why do you have Jongkook's phone?" His voice sounded alarmed.

"I'm sorry. My phone died. I was...just so hungry and hopped into oppa's car right after I heard he wants to bring me out on an expensive meal. You know he doesn't spend his money alot, right?" I came up with a white lie, trying my best to make it sound believable.

"Jongkook wants to do that? For you?" He asked in a surprised tone. "Why? Can't he do it for me?" I asked playfully to my manager. "No..I thought you guys have something going on for him to take you out for a meal," He chuckled as I bit my lips in surprise at his remarks.

I laughed nervously and went silent. "Why are you suddenly quiet?" After all, he is my manager and I should tell him my personal life too, just in case.

Jongkook oppa glanced at me. He was probably listening to our conversation. "Actually..." I took a deep breath before confessing.

"I'm dating Jongkook oppa," I confessed and glanced at Jongkook oppa, who looked surprised. "What? Are you serious? Hey, don't play around," My ears was starting to bleed from my manager's outburst.

I chuckled at his reaction. "We'll talk about this later. Have a nice day," I quickly hung up the call before he continued to speak. "You must be crazy," I heard Jongkook oppa laughed as he said that.

"Well, this crazy person is your girlfriend after all," I grinned as I leaned onto the passenger's seat comfortably.

"Right. How lucky am I," Jongkook oppa's words made me blushed. I don't even know if he was being sarcastic or not but I got excited.

He chuckled softly as he saw my reaction. "Now, where do you want to go?" He questioned. "Are you asking me out on a date, Mr Kim?" I arched an eyebrow.

"I guess I am," He answered and glanced at me with a grin, making me smile cheekily once again.

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