Chapter 11

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Narrator's POV

Somin backhugged Jongkook as soon as she entered her kitchen. "Do you remember when Ha Yeon Soo backhugged you?" She suddenly asked while Jongkook washed his hands.

She pulled away when Jongkook turned around to face her. He still looked jealous after Somin had said that she would rather be jealous of Sechan's future girlfriend.

Jongkook shrugged nonchalantly and tried to avoid Somin. She quickly block his way from getting out of the kitchen. He sighed as she kept on blocking his way.

"Oh. Yeon Soo? My heart skipped a beat when she backhugged me," Jongkook gave a half-hearted answer. "Really? I backhugged you just now. Did you feel anything?" Somin blinked her eyes continuously and crinkled her nose to look cute.

Jongkook tried to hold back himself from smiling. "You backhugged me? I didn't feel anything," He gave her a smug smile, stating a lie.

When Somin backhugged him earlier, he smiled so hard the point that his cheeks hurt. He only maintained a poker face after calming himself down by washing his hands longer.

Somin scoffed when he said that. She was about to walk away until Jongkook pulled her from behind and gave her a backhug instead.

"I'm just kidding, Somin. You're acting like a baby," Jongkook turned her around and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Somin blushed and nudged Jongkook playfully.

As time passes by, it was already 10.30am. Jongkook had went back to his house to change to a proper attire to dance.

Somin's POV

"I'll pick you up in 10 minutes, Somin," My manager said through the phone call. "Alright," I mumbled and hung up the call. I put on a light makeup and wore an orange tshirt and black tights.

I packed the necessary items in my bag and went down to wait for my manager.

Narrator's POV

Somin went into the dance studio, waiting for the other members. She was apparently the earliest member arrive.

As the staff put the mic on her, Sechan arrived and greeted everyone. "Oh, Sechan-ah. Hello," Somin greeted him warmly,and waved at him.

"Why are you so early?" Sechan asked as he went nearer to her. Both of them sat down and had a conversation. It was easier for them to communicate as both of them are the same age.

"Then, he threw the fried chicken bone at someone else instead of me," Sechan was telling Somin a funny story about his brother, Sehyung. Somin laughed out loud and nudged Sechan's shoulder.

"Who did he threw the chicken bone at?" Somin was still laughing as she asked.

Jongkook and Jaeseok entered the dance studio as Sechan and Somin were laughing. Sechan and Somin stood up and greeted them politely. Jongkook gave Somin a smile as they greeted each other.

While the staff was adjusting the mic on Jongkook and Jaeseok, Sechan and Somin continued talking about Sehyung's incident.

"He threw it at an old woman. The worst part was that the bone hit her poor head and I couldn't help but laugh out loud in the restaurant. She kept on rubbing her head as Sehyung kept on apologizing over and over," Sechan gave a big laugh, showing his gums as he reminisced the moment.

Somin also laughed loudly, knowing how easily she laughs and smiles. She grabbed Sechan's shoulders and shook his body as she couldn't control her laughter.

Without Somin realising, Jongkook was watching them. He felt his heart burned as his adam's apple bobbed up and down to control the intense emotion.

"They look good together, don't they?" Jaeseok sat beside Jongkook and asked. "You think so?" Jongkook questioned with a soulless tone.

"Of course. Those two are so lively. It must feel good to be young," Jaeseok sighed as he remembered his past. "Right? They should start dating already," Jongkook gave a bittersweet laugh.

Jaeseok was confused at Jongkook's behaviour and tone. It has been a decade with Jongkook so he knew whether Jongkook was feeling good or not. He glanced at Jongkook, who was just looking down and fidgeting with his shoelaces.

After all the members arrived, it was already chaotic and they were all talking to each other, while waiting for their dance teacher, Lia Kim.

Lia Kim finally arrived and all of them were excited to learn a new dance. As Lia was explaining the dance routine, Jaeseok couldn't help but notice the suspicious behaviour of Jongkook.

His body language was showing that he wanted to be near someone. He kept glancing at someone. Whenever another person get close to that certain someone, he bit his lower lip and looked down.

That someone was Somin.

"Something is going on. I know it," Jaeseok thought and decided to keep it to himself until the dance pratice ended.


Author's Note:

Thats all for now. I'll be updating tomorrow again! Do you think Jaeseok will find out?? How about the other members? Stay tuned :)

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