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january 4th


Yoongi can understand why people hate being asked to work late. It can be stressful - people's jobs - and want nothing more in the world to be able to go home and rest after a long hard day, but Yoongi likes to work late. It means his boss appreciates the work he puts into creating good music, and Yoongi doesn't mind because making music is his favourite thing - even if it isn't his music. He feels a sense of pride getting to help others achieve their dreams and making their songs the best that they can possibly be.

He can see the whole city from this part of the building. Just one of the many sound booths - and this is the one with the best view. It's his favourite one to work in, because he can see the whole city from this angle. There aren't too many high rises here. It's much easier to spot in the daytime, but if he squints in the dark, he can make out the dark outline of the bridge he has to cross everyday coming into work. The bridge that crosses the bay, and separates the busy part of the city from the more calmer part. He can't make it out at hall from here, but he knows that on the other side is the port. He hasn't gone since the start of high school - the last he went was with Hoseok and Noah for a field trip with his travel and tourism class. He only took it because he needed an extra credit that year, and because Hoseok didn't want to be without a friend. Turns out Noah was there too, and he didn't really need to be there at all, but Yoongi had to admit, it was kind of interesting and the field trips weren't too bad at all.

The city view is gorgeous at night, and the best part was watching the sunset descend on the horizon. He liked the way the orange and yellow tones of the sun danced and reflected off of the water. In certain lights, it almost looked like the water sparkled. Yoongi didn't mind working late if he got to see the sunset and this view. It was all worth it in the end.

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