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june 6th


It both comforted, and bothered Yoongi at how easily they could fall back into routine with one another. Granted, their routine looked a little different now, but it was a little uncomfortable how natural it felt. It was like Jiseok didn't exist and Yoongi was still very worried that he might come back. He wondered what had happened to the older. Where had he gone, and the most important thing on his mind was whether or not he was still alive because according to Jimin, he'd shot him in the side which was enough to scare him into running off. He was half expecting the cops to show up and arrest Jimin, and he also wondered whether or not they should call the cops. They hadn't talked about it, and well, it wasn't Yoongi's decision to make, it was Jimin's. He was already to do something about it, but Jimin was afraid. He's already been through this plenty of times, and nothing has worked beforehand. Yoongi could see that he'd given up hope a long time ago.

But he could sense that the routine they had created for themselves helped distract him. They picked up their old routine of riding the bus to and from work. Jimin apologized to his boss about going M.I.A and after having explained the reason why, was welcomed back to his old job with open arms. Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung were thrilled to have him back safe and sound.

However, Jimin was practically living with Yoongi at this point. The older had cleared a space for him in his bathroom, and for him in his bedroom for some of his things. Now their routine included waking up to one another, and having breakfast together before heading out to work, and getting to come home to each other, and having dinner late at night. Yoongi got to fall asleep with Jimin in his arms, knowing that he was safe and sound, and woke up to him either still in bed or somewhere in the apartment, singing and playing with Holly. Everything was falling into place for the two of them, but Yoongi wished it could have been under nicer circumstances.

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