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june 1st


On the first of June, Yoongi is awoken by a loud bang. It sounded like a heavy dresser being knocked over. The noises are back which can mean only one thing.

Jimin was home.

Yoongi is scrambling out of bed, but doesn't really know that to do, so he just stands awkwardly in his room with his neck craned up at the ceiling. He couldn't hear any of them moving around, but he could faintly hear them shouting. Yoongi held his breath nervously.

And then the noises started up again and Yoongi could hear someone making a run for it, with the other hot on their trail. Yoongi followed the footsteps out of his bedroom and into the front half. The first set of feet didn't make it very far as the second set caught up to them. It almost sounded like they were being dragged backwards into the apartment again. Things were knocked over and broken. Yoongi could hear more shouting. Yoongi's heart was pounding in his chest. What do I do? He wondered. What can I do? Do I call the cops? Do I confront him?

"Don't ever confront him, Yoongi. Jin spent three weeks in the hospital because of him," Taehyung's voice rang out. Yoongi shuddered at the thought. Well I can't just stand by and listen to Jimin fight for his life. He added. Yoongi had to do something, but what could he possibly do that wouldn't a) get Jimin hurt or killed b) get him hurt or killed or c) make things worse. He didn't have many options. He could call the cops, and have them handle it. Jiseok probably wouldn't expect him to make the call. Yeah, Yoongi would call the cops. He ran back into his room to search for his phone. His hands are shaking the whole time he searches for his phone and when he finally finds it, he punches in the numbers for 911 with shaky fingers. But as he goes to press the call button Yoongi is startled by the sound of three gunshots going off. He almost dropped his phone in the process. His throat closes right up and he's frozen in place now. Another gunshot goes off and this time he drops his phone.

It doesn't help that Yoongi can hear the sounds of footsteps running away. He doesn't follow them. He can't. He doesn't need to follow them to know who it is. He can hear the car in the parking lot squealing its way out onto the street and speeding away. Yoongi feels like he's going to be sick.

He doesn't know who long he's standing paralyzed in his bedroom, but it felt like hours. Yoongi doesn't think he'd be able to move. He doesn't want to go up and check on Jimin because he knows what he's going to find. He's going to find Jimin lying on the ground in his apartment, bleeding out. But if you don't move he could die, his brain told him. You have a chance to save him and you're just standing here. It's enough to snap Yoongi out of his daze, and he's bolting for the door. He doesn't bother with shoes, or even a shirt, he just yanks open his door and almost screams.

Because staring back at him with worried away, and covered in blood is Jimin. 

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