First meeting

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 Gabrielle POV

I was already believing her now. I mean why did she have to send me these pictures and videos to throw it in my face?

Well this relationship is over, that's a fact. Do I wait until after Christmas like I planned? No, I can't do that. Things haven't be as perfect as I made people believe for while now. I mean, when I met Mike I really liked him, but I admit part of it was a response to Jack getting a new girlfriend. He seemed like nice guy so I went full happy mode into the relationship. Don't get me wrong, I liked him, but I can admit that if I didn't need someone right then because of other things, it probably would not have progressed this long. He never really sparked that... I don't know... that head of heels feeling of falling in love to me.

Then I brought him into my YouTube and I noticed some other things. He said he had no idea I did YouTube when he met me but he slid in a little too perfectly. Very quickly he pushed for it to become not my channel with him visiting but our channel. He would point at Jack and Jaycee and say see how much better a couple channel works? I kind of gave in and started making most of the videos about our relationship or at least including him in them. Then he started pushing more and more about what content the videos would be and sadly I kind of let him. It was like with Jack except I was one that had the established channel, I was one stuck editing everything. He was just starting to exert control over the direction of it.

That was when I found the emails. Whole email discussions with some of his friends from before we even met. Emails about knowing who I was and what I was going through and how he planned to 'just randomly meet me'. How he was going to be the perfect boyfriend to get an in to use me to build him on social media. He even mentioned several girls on YouTube he would try to move on to once he was big enough. That was an eye opener to me, but I held out hope that he had changed when he met me. That he really was as into me as he seemed.

Then three weeks ago, right after we agreed to travel after Christmas, I got the first message. It was simple and straight forward. Some girl said that Mark was cheating on me. In fact she said they already had plans for their own couples channel once he had outgrown needing me for clout.

I ignored it. It's not the first time I have gotten sent message like that. It happened a lot over the years with Jack and they were always crap. Every time I would obsess about them they would prove to be total lies. I was reasonably happy still with Mark and when I didn't get another one for two weeks I figured it was also a lie.

Then last week the messages started again. Telling me I was naïve for not see it. Sending me messages after Mark would come over from where ever he was and telling me he had just left her. Telling me that she had easy proof but was waiting for the perfect time to drop it on me. Those I stopped just ignoring.

I started really looking at things and I did notice some changes. Mark being a little crumpled and sometimes off when he would come over. Telling me where he would be sometimes and then finding out he wasn't there from a friend. Sometimes he would even refuse to tell me where he was when I asked, no lying about it, just refused to tell me. He said I was acting paranoid and clingy.

Two days ago I straight up asked him if he was cheating on me. I thought he would either admit it or get defensive. I was wrong. He got angry, really angry. He started shouting at me being crazy, about how I didn't trust him even though he was the best thing to ever happen to me. He went on and on and when I tried to say something he found a way to shut me up.

He slapped me... right across the face. I was stunned. This wasn't Jack and I roughhousing and me getting hurt accidentally. This was a straight up slap across my face in an argument. I had no idea how to take it. I was pissed, and scared, and just at a loss. I never suspected to be in this position.

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