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I stood outside the large black doors. It was a warm late summer evening, with a nice breeze causing my black dress to dance over my legs. My parents stood on either side of me and stared at the same doors ahead.

"I don't understand why we have to do this." I muttered to them as my breath quickened. I couldn't tell if it was from anger or nerves.

"The Malfoy's offered us a deal we couldn't turn down," my father said softly.

"A deal to sell off your daughter so you can get half their fortune? That deal?" I snapped crossing my arms over my chest.

"Y/n" my mother sighed. "We are one of the last pureblood families from America. You should be thrilled they picked you to marry their son. Merlin knows they could have picked anyone else." She didn't bother to look at me.

"Yeah thrilled and grateful that I had to leave my friends and break up with my boyfriend to come marry a complete stranger," I said sarcastically.

"You're not marrying right away. You both still have a year left of school. You'll be married when you're done" my father said in a stern tone.

"Oh, you forgot to mention that part. At least I'll be able to suffer through a year at a new school before I marry a complete stranger. Thank Merlin you told me that father" he grabbed my arm angrily and turned me towards him to look him in his horrid eyes.

"You will do this for your safety and ours. Do you understand me? We're suffering and this is our lifeline. We will be living on the streets of it weren't for the Malfoy's." He said through gritted teeth and his clenched jaw.

"If you hadn't lost it all from gambling on quidditch matches and Dragon fights in the first place-" his hand found my cheek, causing my head to turn away from him. I brought my hand to my now red cheek.

"You will respect your father" he sneered. I looked back at him with my hand still on my cheek.

"I don't have a father" his grip tightened as he turned me to face the door. My mother took my hand off my cheek and held it. I appreciated that she tried but couldn't stand the fact that she was allowing this to happen. The old man stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Within seconds the doors open. We were greeted by a man with long platinum blonde hair wearing all black with a cane in hand, a woman with brown hair, with platinum blonde pieces within, and a black dress that hugged her figure. Then next to them the boy. With the same hair as his father but shorter. Wearing an all-black suit, a sour look on his face.

"The Avery's," the man said. "Lucius Malfoy" he reached his hand out to the old man who called himself my father. "This is Narcissa and my boy Draco." He shook all of their hands. He introduced himself and my mother as well, exchanging handshakes all around before all their eyes were on me.

"This is our daughter y/n" I took the cold hand he extended to me.

"Y/n, we're very excited about this union," Lucius said giving me a smile. I gave him the smallest smile I could back. I shook the woman's hand and then the boys. Neither of us looking at the other.

"Well let's head inside." Narcissa said with a smile. We all left the fresh air from behind and walked into the cold dark manor. There were candles lit everywhere but the dark colored walls making it not homey at all.

"As you know we are the headquarters for the movement-" Lucius started towards what I assume to be the dining room. He was talking to the man my mother married. I drowned them out. My mother and Narcissa followed behind.

I stayed close to my mom in hopes I wouldn't have to converse with this guy yet. As soon as I talk to him it's real.

We walked up to a grand table where house-elves were setting food down for us. Lucius at the head of the table with his family on one side and mine on the other, unfortunately I was in between the two who birthed me.

They talked about their own business before asking me about Ilvermorny and what it was like there. I kept my answers short and sweet knowing I would have to face wrath later if I didn't.

"Lucius arranged for you to be in Slytherin house so you wouldn't have to be sorted as a seventh year. Draco is also head boy, I'm sure you two could share a room so you can get to know each other." She smiled sweetly between the two of us. I hadn't made eye contact with him all night. I just nodded my head not wanting to say what was actually on my mind.

Great I get to share a room and a bed with a guy I don't even know and don't want to know. Thanks, Malfoy's.

Once dinner was over Narcissa looked at Draco.

"Why don't you show y/n to her room." She whispered to him. Oh so I get my own room here but as soon as we're in school I have to share quarters with him? Make that makes sense. I saw him stand from the corner of my eye and I looked at him, really looked at him, for the first time tonight. He nodded towards the door as a sign for me to follow him out. I nodded to the two families and followed after him.

We went up a grand staircase before going up another to the third floor. I just followed behind him, looking at the portraits and many doors within their manor. He led me to a door at the end of the hall.

"This is you," he said pointing at the door. "Your stuff should already be in there, there's a bathroom in there for you too." He said in a monotoned voice.

"Thanks" I muttered under my breath.

"Um.." he cleared his throat "I'm at the other end of the hall if you need anything" I nodded at him before he turned on his heels down the hall. I opened the door to see a grand room with my trunk already laying in the corner next to a large dresser. I lay myself down on the bed and close my eyes.

Wishing when I opened them I wouldn't be living this nightmare.

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now