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"Can you excuse me for a moment" I mumbled taking the napkin off of my lap and leaving the room. I already forgot where everything in this manor was. I ran to the only room I remembered other than Draco's room.

The library.

I closed the door behind me as my breathing got heavy.

He wanted to meet me? For what? The thoughts of why he could possibly want to meet with me made my brain go fuzzy. I went and sat on a window seat looking over the dark fields, trying to calm my breath.

"Honey?" I looked to see my mom peeking her head into the room. "Are you okay?" I let out a sarcastic chuckle. She came into the room closing the door behind her.

"Fine..." I looked down "do you know what he wants from me...?" I asked my mom with a shaking voice. She shook her head.

"It was a discussion between him Lucius and.. your father" I sighed. That can't be good. I stood up and started walking towards the door where she was standing.

"Do you think.." she knew what I was going to ask, luckily, because I could get the words out of my mouth.

He wants to make me a death eater?

"I don't know sweetie" she moved a strand of hair that fell into my face behind my ear. "I thought we had agreed to keep you out of this part of the deal.."

"Well I'm sure Voldemort is known for his word." I said sarcastically. My mom took her hands and placed them on either side of my face. Guiding my head to her level.

"Hold your head high." She said. He voice was starting to shake as well. I could tell she told herself the same thing many times since I'd been gone. I pulled her into a hug.

"I think I'm going to get to bed.." I said quietly. I pulled away and looked at her one last time. She nodded and allowed me to go back to Draco's room.

To my surprise he was already there, he was sitting on the bed with his elbows resting on his knees. He turned to look at me as I walked in. He stood up without hesitation and came over to give me a hug. I was confused by the action at first but quickly started to relax in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his back and rested my head on his chest.  I could feel his thumb moving against my back, trying to comfort me.

"This isn't fair" he said quietly. I let out a long sigh.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Fair or not." I separated from him slightly, our arms still wrapped around each other but now I was able to look at him. He looked angry, but mostly... scared.

"I'll be with you the whole time" he said. I nodded and gave him a forced smile.

"Thanks Draco" as much as I didn't want to I pulled out of his embrace. "I'm going to get into some sweats. I can't breathe in this thing" I chuckled lightly, he gave me a small smile. I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to change.

I took off my makeup and splashed my face with cold water. Trying not to let my thoughts run wild.

When I walked back out Draco was already out of his suit and in bed... under the covers.
Back at Hogwarts we were still sleeping with him above the covers. When he noticed me staring for a moment, he realized.

"Oh shit, sorry I completely forgot" he started to shift out from underneath the blankets.

"No" I said almost too quickly. "It's fine." He gave me a look of surprise but got comfortable again. I got under as well, still staying towards my end of the large bed.

"I won't let him mark you" Draco said softly. I turned to look at him.

"Don't be dumb Draco.. we will do what he says." I remarked. I didn't want to do as he said but I also didn't want to get anyone hurt.

"I'll take the torture if it means you don't have to become..." he gulped "one of us" I could tell that statement was hard for him to utter.

"Draco this isn't a transaction. There is no reasoning, he'll do what he wants anyways. Don't get yourself hurt for nothing." There was a silence. My thoughts were started to swarm my head again so I tried to make light as I always do.

"You know it's been a while since you've been an ass, are you feeling okay?" I leaned over and put my hand on his forehead but he pushed it away as he smiled.

"I told you I'd get better" he smirked at me.

"That's what you said before sucking face with Parkinson" I gagged. A pillow soon hit me over the head. "What the hell!" I could hear Draco laughing harder than I'd ever heard before. I sat up and took my pillow doing the same thing to him. I saw him falter for a minute before his smile came back.

"I don't want to hear her name ever again" Draco said through a chuckle. "Please don't remind me of it"

"But what's the fun in that?" I said putting my pillow back behind my head and laying down. There was a short silence, I could feel my eyelids starting to get heavier.

"You really know how to lighten the mood in the worst times." He turned his head to look at me.

"It's how I cope" I shrugged looking back at him. He smiled. I looked down and saw the mark on his arm. I sat up slightly and took his hand so I could see it more clearly. I could tell he flinched slightly at my action "Did it hurt?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah.. took me a few hours to recover.." he said softly. I kept looking at it, I then looked at my forearm. "Doesn't hurt afterwards though.. once you've recovered. Only when he summons you." He said trying to be reassuring. I nodded. Tears started to form in my eyes as I thought about what the mark stood for, that I might have to be a part of it. Draco took notice and readjusted our hands so his was holding mine, he squeezed it tight.

"It will make you look pretty badass I reckon" he said through a small chuckle and I smiled up at him appreciating that he was trying to help.

"Yeah definitely will." I laughed softly. "Maybe then you'll learn not to mess with me" I taunted.

"No I'll always mess with you" his smile grew. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help a small smile from growing on my face.

"Better get some sleep... big day tomorrow." I said sarcastically getting comfortable within the sheets.

"You could say that" Draco added.

It took me a moment to fall asleep as thoughts were still racing through my mind but I eventually drifted off. Not realizing we were still holding hands.

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now