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I woke up in a daze. The sunlight catching me off guard making me pull the covers over my face.

"Morning" I heard Draco's raspy voice say instantly.

"Were you watching me?" I asked softly, still trying to wake up.

"No" he scoffed. What a liar.

"What day is it?" I asked from under the covers.


"Was last night a dream?" He hesitated before he answered me.

"No. You passed out from the pain... wimp" I pulled myself out of the covers to show him my gawking expression as he sat there and smirked at me.

"Wimp?" I asked offended.

"Yeah wimp." He confirmed as he grabbed my arm.

"You didn't faint?" He just shook his head as he looked at my arm, his smile slowly fading. This was the first time I looked at it, completely finished and engraved in my arm forever. "How's it feel?" His tone softened at the question.

"Fine now. I'm still exhausted. Who knows if that's from the mark or the cruciatus curse" I scoffed.

"I tried to keep you out of it" Draco said running his fingers across the mark. His light touch made me shiver.

"It's not your fault. It was bound to happen." I said letting out a sigh.

"It wasn't supposed to" he wasn't looking me in the eyes, acting like if he did it would cause too much pain. So I took my hand and grabbed his face to force his gaze to mine.

"What you're not going to do is blame yourself. It was my decision remember?" He nodded. Though I could see in his eyes he wasn't happy with it. So I tried to lighten the mood. "I saved you from another one of your fangirl groupies so I think that deserves a thank you at least." He let a small smirk grow on his cheeks as I took my hand away.

"Fangirl groupies?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah one of your many girls who fawn over you" I gave him a sarcastic smile, the smirk on his face still growing wider.

"You're jealous again." He was being smug. I rolled my eyes. "Please keep going. I like the view" I smiled at him.

"How many girls do you have after you Draco?" I asked him slyly.

"Oh plenty. Have you seen me?" He said waving his hands over him. I hadn't realized he was shirtless. I couldn't see much since the blankets were up to his sculpted chest. His biceps curving over it as he was on his side watching me. "See even you can't get enough of the view." I shook my head and shoved him to erase my thoughts. Gaining another laugh from him.

"Imagine what they would do to that already large ego of yours if you ended up with one of them. Your head would grow to be the size of a planet." I said raising an eyebrow.

"And it won't with you?" He moved his hand to my waist, pulling me closer.

"No." There was a small silence as he smiled at me. "you and your ego would reek havoc without me" he grabbed me and pulled me so I was on top of him, straddling his hips.

"Oh really?" He smirked. I just nodded as I hovered over him. He let out a laugh. "There you go again. Joking during serious moments."

"Says the man who called me a wimp for passing out while receiving the dark mark" he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me so I was laying directly on top of him. I never wanted to leave this position.

"Always driving me crazy y/n" his words sounded muffled. He lips were against the top of my head and he gave me a quick kiss.

I moved my head so my chin was resting on his chest giving me a view of his face. He was smiling at me still. Seemed like it wasn't leaving this morning, and that caused me to smile back. The way his eyes lit up was intoxicating to look at.

"What?" He said through a laugh. Something about his reactions when I joked around made me want to keep going. I didn't want to see his smile fade.

"Should have let Astoria take you" I joked trying to hold back my smile by biting my lip. He flipped us over so he was the one hovering me now.

"Excuse me?" He tried to give me a threatening look.

"Well you were the one begging me not to do it" I gave him a cheeky smirk. He pinned my hands above my head and leaned down so I could feel his breath on my ear.

"You're walking a fine line Avery" he then nibbled my earlobe unexpectedly, letting a gasp escape my lips.

"I'm the one walking the fine line?" I teased. He started to trail kisses down my jawline until his lips were inches from mine.

"You sure are sweetheart. The fact that you could ever think I'd give you up for someone else is ridiculous" he said in his sultry voice.

"Except you were about to give me up last night" I said somewhat seriously.

"But I had a plan" I looked at him confused. His hands left mine and started to slowly trail down my body. That was when I noticed I was in a large shirt I didn't recognize.

"Did you undress me last night Malfoy?" His smirk grew.

"No I controlled myself don't worry. I want to make sure you see my expression when I see you naked for the first time" I froze slightly at his comment. Making my breath hitch and the butterflies in my stomach go out of control.

"So then how-"

"Your mum" he answered shortly. I could tell it was Draco's shirt from the pure size. He looked me deeply in the eyes, pushing a piece of stray hair behind my ear.

"What was your plan?" I said quietly.

"Well" he started to leave more kisses, outlining my face with one between his words. "I was going to suggest we run away. Go to France or-"

"Southern France?" I asked cutting him off. He stopped his movements to look at me. "Find a small house in the countryside..."

"I like that" he said softly. He moved his hand to my cheek, stroking his thumb.

"And we can't do that now?" I joked but meant it fully.

"No. Then we won't get an all expenses paid wedding." I shoved him off of me and rolled my eyes as he let out a chuckle. He propped himself on his elbow and looked down at me again from his side. I turned to look back at him as well.

"Can't live like a commoner?" I asked him. He was letting his hands run through my hair down my shoulder across my mark.

"I guess I could manage." Down my waist, "if you'll be there?" Gliding the lines of my underwear.

"I might be." Was all I could choke out, my attention on where his hand was. "If you keep this up you're going to lose-" his lips found mine as he gave me a passionate kiss. Wrapping my tangled hair through his fingers as he gripped the back of my head trying to pull me as close as possible.

When he pulled away he put his finger on my lips giving me a smug look. "I won't be losing anything. Especially not you."

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