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We were heading back to Hogwarts today on an early train. It was empty for all we know as a majority of our peers wouldnt be coming back for a few more days.

Draco opened the door to a cabin and waved his hand to allow me to go in first.

"Thank you" I smiled and he gave me a small bow. I sat down on one of the benches and he plopped himself right next to me. I gave him a surprised look.

"What?" He asked.

"There's a whole other bench over there" I said pointing to the opposite side.

"But then I wouldn't be able to do this." He threw his feet up on the other bench and put his arm around me. I rolled my eyes at him.

We've been flirting a lot the past few weeks and I feel like he's going to move to the next step. It freaks me out.

What if we're not that compatible? What if it gets complicated? I mean we're stuck with each other at this point. If things go bad there's no running from it.

But then what if he doesn't take the next step at all? My thoughts go back to the few days after Christmas and how he didn't acknowledge or talk with me much.

"Draco can I ask you something?" He looked at me and nodded. "What happened... on Christmas that caused you to completely ignore me for two days?" I felt him stiffen slightly.

"Well... I'm not really supposed to be the one to tell you.." he said quietly. What does that even mean?

"Who's supposed to tell me?" I crossed my arms.

"Your mom.." his voice trailed. I let out a sigh and looked out the window. I wish she would have said something before I left. Now I probably won't know until the day of the wedding.

"It must be something bad if you wouldn't talk to me for two days."

"I was just... a bit shocked by the information" he cleared his throat trying not to let go of more information than he should. I didn't hold it against him, I don't want him to tell me anything Voldemort doesn't want him telling me.

He can be touchy.

I leaned my head into his shoulder. His thumb started rubbing back and forth on my arm.

"I wish I could tell you" he whispered leaning his head onto mine.

"Me too" I let out a small laugh. I watched the scenery pass outside, starting to think back across the last few months since I moved here. "It's crazy isn't it?"

"What?" He said lifting his head and looking down at me.

"How far we've come since the first night we met." I met his eyes and he smiled.

"Yeah." He agreed with moved his legs off the opposite bench to turn more towards me. "What was your first impression of me?" He asked with a smirk.

"I don't know, that day was all a blur. I mean my very first thought when I saw you was probably 'could be worse'" Draco looked at me with his jaw almost on the ground.

"You really know how to flatter a guy huh?" He said his tone laced with sarcasm.

"Well I was being forced into a marriage okay, I was still upset. I didn't know you at the time. And then you were a bit of an ass to me." I said softly.

"But you didn't even think 'wow that's the most attractive guy I've ever seen in my entire life'" he said dramatically. I let out a loud laugh.

"You have to remember I thought I was still in love with another guy" he tensed up slightly at my words. "But.." I started trying to ease his tension. " I can easily say now that I was blinded by anger. Once that faded I saw you for your true self." He gave me a smile. "A hot piece of ass" I whispered making him let out a laugh.

"That's much better" he smiled.

"What about you? what was your first impression of me" He glanced to my lips and then back at my eyes.

"Well I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Didn't know how I got so lucky to be matched with someone so hot" he said causing me to laugh.

"Shut up you're lying."

"No I'm not. I might have been pissed about the idea but when I saw you I thought that 'at least she's hot'"

"How is that better than 'could be worse'?"

"It just is okay" he smiled down at me. I got lost in his eyes. His beautiful eyes. That even when he didn't like me much always made me feel comfort with them. He leaned closer to me our lips inches apart.

"You think someone will interrupt us this time?" I whispered with a smirk playing across my lips.

"Shut up and let me kiss you already" he chuckled. His lips slowly moved to close the gap between us. My stomach completely flipped at the feeling of his lips on mine. It felt like we fit together perfectly as our lips moved in sync. He pulled away still resting his forehead on mine.

"Why'd you stop?" I said quietly. Grabbing his suit jacket.

"Needed to make sure it was really happening" he gave me a smile.

"You're a softy Draco" he grabbed a hold on my legs and moved them to lay on top of his so I was now sitting sideways on the seat. His hand was resting on my thigh, playing with the hem of my skirt.

"Only for you y/n" he gave me a smile.

"So what now?" I asked pulling away from him enough so I can look at his face.

"What do you mean?" He said sarcastically, I shoved him sightly.

"I don't know it's just all confusing."

"What's confusing about kissing my beautiful fiancé" he smirked.

"I'm not so sure... You should try again so I can get some clarity" I said softly.

"As you wish" he said leaning in and pressing his lips against mine again, this time with more passion. I held onto him by his jacket before wrapping my arms around his neck. I wanted to be closer to him. His tongue soon started to find it way to mine as the kiss became more intense. I completely forgot where I was or the outside world at all. All I could think of was his touch. Being entangled in his arms with his soft lips against mine, I wanted to stay here forever. It truly felt like it was all a beautiful dream. No wonder he had to pull away so soon. Feeling the same way he had moments ago I separated my lips from his.

Though I was disappointed by the act, the way he looked into my eyes in that moment, it felt different than before. I couldn't tell if it was lust or... no it couldn't possibly, the thoughts crossing my mind causing me to bite my lip.

"Don't do that" he said guiding his thumb across it.

"Why?" I asked a bit confused

"You'll get me into a problem I can't fix right now" he gave me a smug look.

"Control yourself Draco" I said jokingly.

"I already have for five months."

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now