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The days were slowly going by. Before we knew it we'd been here for a month already. With every day it got somewhat easier, but the atmosphere here is absolutely miserable. So I can have a nice talk with Draco or Daphne one moment and be back in reality the next.

I was also sick of Defense Against the dark arts. With every class it became harder to not speak up about it. They kept picking on this one kid named Longbottom. He was standing up for everyone in the class but he stood no ground with the devil spawn twins. They were trying to get us to practice crucio again since no one did it in the first class.

"Avery" my head jolted up as one of the twins called my name from the back of the class. "Come up to the front" he was smirking at me as I slowly got up and went to the front of the class. "Why don't you show Longbottom how it's done" his hand was on my upper back and he guided me across from the boy in front of my class. I was looking at him, he looked scared but strong. I glanced at Draco but he didn't give me a clear look of what I should do.

I gripped my wand in my hand tightly as I could feel it becoming slick with sweat. My heart beat and breathe were quickening. There was no way I could torture someone.

"No" I mumbled.

"Excuse me?" The Carrow said.

"I said no" I answered forcefully before walking back to my desk. Before I could make it back I fell to the ground with the most intense pain. I couldn't see or feel anything around me, it felt like my insides were being torn apart one piece at a time. It was the only thing I could focus on until I blacked out completely.

When I woke up I didn't recognize where I was. I was laying in a small bed it a bright room. An older woman walked up to me as soon as I opened my eyes, before I could even get a clear view of the room.

"Oh good dear your awake. Here take this" she handed me a vial. "For your scar dear"


"When you feel you hit your forehead on the edge of a table. Got you good, can be fixed though dear, no worries" I took the vial from her and choked it down. Gagging slightly at the aftertaste.

It didn't take long for me to see Draco saunter in with something in his hand.

"You're awake" he said with a bit of surprise. "Are you okay?" I nodded and tried to sit up but didn't realize how weak I was. Draco put his hand on my shoulder indicating me to stay down. He took a seat at a chair right next to the bed.

"I'll be fine" I muttered but gave him a small smile "thanks". I looked up to see his worried eyes staring into mine.

"I um.. I brought you this. Your mom said they were your favorite" he placed a cauldron cake that was wrapped in a napkin at the table beside my bed. Putting the biggest smile I could manage on my face.

"They are my favorite" I looked at him to see he was smiling as well now. "Thank you Draco. You didn't have to"

"It's no problem at all" he waved me off and then put his elbows on his knees, leaning forward in the chair.

"Did anyone else get hurt...? Because of me?" I asked hesitantly. He shook his head.

"No but you're not on the best terms with the Carrows anymore" I rolled my eyes.

"How disappointing" I said sarcastically "I wasn't going to torture Longbottom" I added in a whisper. Speaking of I saw the boy walk into the room.

"Hey y/n?" He said walking up. "I just wanted to come by and say thank you. You didn't have to do that... I feel it's almost my fault.."

"It is" Draco muttered.

"Draco" I said abruptly with a quick glare before turning my attention back to Longbottom.

"No need to thank me. I would go through it again before ever using that curse on someone. Especially a classmate." He gave me a smile and then reached into his pocket.

"I got you this" he handed me a chocolate frog. "It's not much but.."

"Thank you.. Neville right?" He nodded.

"See you around y/n, thanks again" Draco kept his squinted eyes trained on him as he left the room.

"You don't have to be an ass Draco" I gave him a chuckle. "You said you'd be better" I looked at him expectantly but he just rolled his eyes. "It's not his fault. I wouldn't have done it no matter who it was" I muttered. He looked down for a moment before looking back at me.

"You're right" he sighed

"Mm you should get used to saying that" I smirked at him causing him to give back an eye roll before giving a small laugh.

"How long have I been here anyways?"

"About a day.."

"Did I miss anything in classes?"

"I actually waited here for most of it.. I had just finished lunch when I came back heard Madame Pomfrey talking to you."

"You waited?" He nodded. "You're crazy" I said shaking my head. He gave me a small smile as he continued to look at me.

"That's what I've been told" The older woman came over to us again trying to shoo Draco away.

"With all due respect you just let me in can't I stay for a while longer" he spat sarcastically and had on the glare that I was already getting used to.

"She needs her rest" she snapped back. He looked back at me. "She should be okay by dinner" she added hoping it would entice him to leave.

"I'll be okay. Go. Eat, sleep! Please. I'll see you later" I told him. He let out a sigh and left the room.

"I've never seen that boy be so kind" she muttered as she put more vials next to my bed.

"He doesn't really like to show it" I chuckled. She gave me a smile as if she knew something I didn't.

"Drink these when you're ready dear, you should have your full strength back by dinner time." She pointed at the vials and left. I took it as soon as she left and felt my eyelids involuntarily drooping with sleepiness.

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