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I had stayed in my room as much as possible only leaving for meals. I spent the rest of my time reading or sleeping. I wanted to write my friends back home but they weren't allowing me to send any owls out.

Safety precautions I suppose.

It was August 31st which means I've been here a week and start at Hogwarts tomorrow. Luckily I get to eat dinner in my room tonight as there is a meeting, my mother was able to make it so I wouldn't have to attend.

There was a small knock on the door before a small house elf brought me some dinner. I got out of bed and walked over to her.

"Dappy has brought Ms. Avery some dinner" she said holding the plate to me.

"Thank you Dappy" I gave her a smile and she looked confused at first but smiled back.

"Dappy was also told to tell Ms. Avery that Mr. Malfoy is waiting in the library to eat dinner with you" it was my turn to look at her with confusion. She pointed at one of the doors on the same level. I nodded to her again.

"Thank you Dappy" I repeated. I thought about just staying in my room but if he's missing the meeting for this and my father finds out I didn't at least entertain the idea of eating with him I wouldn't hear the end of it.

My parents informed me of the fact that Draco was as well a death eater. The same thing my parents would be swearing into tonight.

Dappy has already walked away as I was going over my thoughts while staring at the door. I walked over and opened it with my free hand. I instantly saw Draco in the middle of the room at a small table with his food in front of him and a candle lit in the middle.

I walked over and place my plate on the table giving him a small smile as I sat.

"How'd you manage to get out of the meeting?" I asked trying to end the awkward tension.

"I was given the option to go there or have dinner with you." He replied. I just nodded, it was almost flattering but I would choose to be locked up in a dungeon over going to one of those meetings. There was another short silence as I picked at some chicken on my plate.

"You excited for school?" He asked me softly.

"More nervous" I said entertaining the conversation. "Transferring is hard enough let alone in your last year." I was still looking at my food as I pushed it around on my plate.

"We will be spending a lot of time together. My father pulled a lot of strings to do so, basically putting you in all my classes" he chuckled lightly.

"How nice of him to pull those strings for you and your forced fiancé" I said with a hint of sarcasm. He laughed again and I gave him a small smile.

"Sounds bad doesn't it" he said with a small smile still on his face.

"Well I mean it doesn't matter what they do at this point they're still forcing us to get married" I said matter of factly. I looked up at him and he nodded slightly but kept his eyes on his plate. I looked around the room at all the books. "Is it okay if I-" My words faded as I pointed to the books in the room. He waved his hand to indicate I could help myself. I got out of my chair and started roaming the room. There were a lot of books about dark magic and purebloods making me chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" Draco's voice called out from behind me.

"Just seems like your dad has a type" I scoffed letting my eyes roam over the spines of each book.

"You could say that." He let out a loud breathe through his nose. "Are your parents not this... drastic?" I turned back to look at him and shook my head.

"They were ready to let our pureblood die out. My dad is in this for the money." I said straight. A look of disgust came across his face.

"Sorry" he apologized for his reaction, though it didn't seem like he was.

"It's fine. My dads a prick. Lost all our money gambling on dumb shit. It doesn't surprise me he resorted to such drastic measures." I went to sit back down.

"I guess we have a few things in common." He sighed out.

"Shit dads and being forced into a marriage?" I laughed out. He just nodded and gave me another small smile. There was more silence, slightly less awkward then it was when I walked in here.

"I'm going to head to bed" I said putting my silverware onto my plate and starting to pick it up.

"Don't worry about that" he said reaching over and putting back on the table for me. I again gave him a small smile. "See you in the morning" I said shyly as I walked out of the room. I went back to mine to see my mom on my bed.

"How was your dinner?" She asked me with hope in her eyes.

"Fine." I said before digging in my draws for my pajamas. I went into the bathroom to change out of these god awful clothes taking the black heels that feel as though they've grown into my feet at this point off. With a sigh of relief I come back out to see my mom still sitting there. I got under the covers and laid next to where she sat.

"I hope you don't hate us too much" my mom said with sadness.

"I hate dad. This is his fault." I said sternly. She nodded, I don't think she was too happy with him at this point either.

"You know arranged marriages are very normal practice." She said slowly. "Your father and I were an arranged marriage" she was looking at her hands in her lap. I so badly want to say

How's that working out for you

But I just continued to look at her as if she wasn't helping. Because she wasn't. She looked over at me and gave me a smile of pity.

"Draco is a nice boy. He's been forced into this life just as much as you, and also forced into much more that we are able to protect you from" my mother said tears welling in her eyes. "Try not to push him away" I nodded at her.

"Sure" was all I said. She gave me a kiss on my forehead and went to leave.

"Goodnight y/n" she closed the door behind her causing me to let out a long sigh. I laid on my back and stared at the top of the canopy around my bed.

I was thinking about what she said. It made me feel guilty about how much I complained. He was going through much more than I was.

The Marriage Deal (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now